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Tablet Use Fuels Anger and Tantrums in Young Children, Research Finds

Tablet Use Fuels Anger and Tantrums in Young Children, Research Finds

As screentime in young children is becoming more prevalent they are experiencing more anger, frustration, and meltdowns than ever before.

If your young child has been having more meltdowns, their tablet might be the problem. New research suggests that excessive screen time is fueling increased anger and frustration in preschoolers, making their tantrums harder to manage.

Mobile device use among young children has surged, with screen time jumping from five minutes a day in 2020 to 55 minutes in 2022—a shift that underscores the growing role of technology in early childhood. By age 4, most children already have their own devices.

The Screen Time-Anger Connection

A new study in JAMA Pediatrics has identified a connection between tablet use and emotional outbursts in young children. The study followed 315 preschoolers over two years and found that those who spent more time on tablets at age 3.5 were more likely to exhibit signs of anger and frustration by age 4.5.

The study relied on parent-reported data on tablet use and emotional behavior, tracking each child’s development over time. Researchers found that a one-hour increase in daily tablet use at age 3.5 was linked to a 22 percent rise in anger and frustration by the following year.

The research also revealed that children more prone to anger at age 4.5 often increased their tablet use by age 5.5, suggesting that while excessive screen time might trigger emotional issues, those same issues can drive kids to rely on screens even more, creating a tough-to-break cycle.

“Children who are more challenging and less well regulated tend to be exposed to more screen time by parents,” the study states. “Parents report using screen media as a calming tool to help manage young children’s emotional outbursts.”

Conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic, the research also highlighted how the unique stresses of that period may have influenced the study’s outcomes. With many families dealing with disrupted routines and heightened stress, children’s tablet use and emotional states may have been more unstable.

On average, children in the study spent about an hour per day on tablets by the age of 5.5, though this varied widely.

While previous studies have suggested a link between screen time and behavioral issues, this research is one of the first to examine this relationship over time within the same individuals. By following the same children for several years, the study provides evidence that tablet use could both cause and result from emotional challenges in early childhood.

“Parents and caretakers should closely monitor tablet use by preschool-aged children, especially in children who have a greater tendency to express anger and frustration,” lead author Caroline Fitzpatrick told The Epoch Times.

Why Early Childhood Matters

Early childhood is critical for developing emotional regulation skills. The brain undergoes rapid growth, making activities like interactive play, reading, and social interactions vital for building emotional and cognitive skills. The ways in which these skills are nurtured can vary significantly.

In an effort to manage the challenges of this developmental stage, many parents turn to tablets to occupy children or soothe them during emotional outbursts, with 65 percent of caregivers reporting the use of screens for this purpose.

“This strategy is likely to backfire in the long term, as it can interfere with children’s ability to develop internal strategies to manage their emotions,” Fitzpatrick said. Since tablet use is often a solitary activity, it gives children fewer opportunities to practice these crucial skills.

A study published earlier this year in JAMA Network Open found that preschoolers who spent two or more hours per day on screens had significantly lower levels of psychological well-being compared to those with just one hour of screen time. These children were less likely to show curiosity, resilience, and positive emotions—key indicators of healthy development—and more likely to exhibit behavioral issues like hyperactivity and aggression.
These findings align with broader concerns in the medical community about the impact of screen time on young minds. The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry recommends limiting non-educational screen time for children aged 2 to 5 to no more than one hour per day on weekdays and three hours on weekends, emphasizing the importance of moderation.

In contrast, the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that the quality of interactions with digital media is more important than adhering to strict time limits.

“There isn’t enough evidence demonstrating a benefit from specific screen time limitation guidelines,” reads their position statement.

Tips for Managing Screen Time in Preschoolers

Fitzpatrick emphasizes the importance of managing screen time thoughtfully to support healthy development in preschoolers. She suggests engaging children in activities that build emotional regulation skills, such as shared book reading and imaginative play.

“Technologies for children should not include features like auto-play, which can lead to longer periods of user engagement,” Fitzpatrick advises. Instead, she recommends opting for tech designs that encourage co-use between a child and caregiver, enhancing learning opportunities.

She suggests that caregivers establish a family media use plan to set clear rules surrounding screen time and ensure that children are exposed to high-quality educational content. Turning off auto-play and other features that may entice children to keep viewing content is also advised. Encouraging children to turn off the tablet when they are done with their activity can help them develop better self-regulation.

“Parents and educators can ensure that children use screens in the right contexts,” Fitzpatrick notes, adding that screens should be avoided during mealtimes and bedtime routines. She also stresses the importance of modeling balanced media use, suggesting that parents and educators limit their own screen time in the presence of children.

By setting clear boundaries and leading by example, caregivers can help children develop healthier relationships with technology. Ultimately, avoiding the use of screens as a tool to calm or soothe children is crucial for fostering their long-term emotional resilience.

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