Street art from the belly of the beast; Australia’s anonymous Resistance artist, painted this mural of Bill Gates in Melbourne, this month.
Street art from the belly of the beast; Australia’s anonymous Resistance artist, @Lushsux, painted this mural of Bill Gates in Melbourne, this month. Rupert Murdoch’s News and Vaccine empire have aligned with Bill Gates’s international health agency cartel to make Australia the proving grounds for their “Great Reset;” the global devolution from democracy to medical fascism. Citing biosecurity, Australian technocrats have imposed harsh censorship, wall to wall surveillance, the digitalization of currency and rigid social controls including oppressive lockdowns and compulsory masking-all without notice and comment rule making, public hearings, debate or any of the traditional safeguards of participatory democracy. To maintain control and obedience, dictatorial regimes use fear to justify the obliteration of culture, self expression and personal freedoms. Authoritarian theocracies, commonly for example, force women to wear hoods, masks or burkhas to trample self expression and signify submission and obedience. The emerging biosecurity states are compelling the burkazation of entire populations. The mask is persistent reminder of the fear of contagion and a signal of obedience and conformity. Because the bio security oppression begins with this eradication of facial expression, art music and humor are now critical revolutionary acts. Thanks to #Lushsux for striking this blow for freedom Down Under.