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Russia to ban smartphone and Wi-Fi in schools to protect children’s brains and reproductive organs


Russia to ban smartphone and Wi-Fi in schools to protect children’s brains and reproductive organs.

By Robert F. Kennedy Jr.


On July 17th Russia’s Health Ministry banned all use of WiFi and cell phones in elementary schools. Russia already limits emissions of nonionizing radiation to 1000x less than we allow the USA.

Numerous studies show profound injuries from Wifi including oxidative stress, sperm/testicular damage, neuropsychiatric effects including EEG changes, apoptosis (cell death), cellular DNA damage, endocrine changes, and calcium overload. Leading scientists and medical associations have called to ban the use of Wi-Fi in schools by switching to wired networks.
In 2013, Israel banned Wi-Fi in kindergartens and limited its use in elementary schools. Israeli schools allow Wi-Fi for three hours per week in the 1st and 2d grades and 6 hours per week for 3rd graders. In 2017 Cypress banned Wi-Fi in Kindergartens & elementary schools.

Russia has published Safety Recommendations encouraging children to use wired connection rather than Wi-Fi during the COVID lockdown. Children’s Health Defense has published a “step by step” guide on how to hard wire wireless devices for safe remote learning. The Chairman for the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, Professor Oleg Grigoriev has criticized corruption in the international regulatory agencies. FCC’s health guidelines rely on the obsolete, laughable assumption that the non-ionizing radiation wireless technology are harmful, only if they cause thermal change in tissue. That assumption is proven false in thousands of studies, even before cell phones were commercialized in the 1980s. Contrary to the FCC’s position, in the 1970s, the Russians had already acknowledged that the radiation emitted from radio and microwave frequencies based technologies can be harmful at levels that are at least 1,000 times lower than the levels that create thermal effects.

Despite massive evidence of harm, in December 2019, crooked FCC officials declared that there is no evidence of harm from wireless technology and declined to review its health guidelines.In February 2020 Children’s Health Defense sued the FCC to reverse this decision. We will file the main brief in our case ‪on July 29, 2020.Follow Dafna Tachover on CHD’s website.

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