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Ancient Methods for Reversing Premature Ovarian Insufficiency

Ancient Methods for Reversing Premature Ovarian Insufficiency

Pressing the acupoints around the ovaries may improve temporary ovarian dysfunction without the need for medication.

Premature ovarian insufficiency is a prevalent health issue among women. It can lead to infertility, premature skin aging, and potentially affect cardiovascular and bone health. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioners detect early signs of ovarian dysfunction by observing two distinct facial indicators. They then stimulate ovarian activity through abdominal acupoint massage.

Symptoms of Premature Ovarian Insufficiency

On the “She Health” program, Cheng-Hsiu Shih, director of the Cheng-Hsiu Shih Chinese Medicine Clinic in Taiwan, explained that women typically enter menopause between 45 and 55. Premature ovarian insufficiency refers to the early decline of ovarian function in women under 40, resulting in an earlier loss of fertility and premature onset of menopause.

Menopause can cause various symptoms, including hot flashes, heart palpitations, irritability, and insomnia, which may accelerate the aging process. Women going through menopause are also prone to developing a syndrome characterized by what is known in TCM as “yin deficiency with internal heat,” leading to dryness of the skin and other parts of the body. This can manifest as vaginal dryness, dry mouth, chapped lips, dry facial skin, and dry eyes. For women who already experience dry eye syndrome, the symptoms often become more pronounced after menopause.

A case-control study found that women with premature ovarian insufficiency had higher levels of various cardiovascular risk factors compared to premenopausal women of the same age. Another study highlighted an increased risk of osteoporosis and fractures in women with premature ovarian insufficiency.

Facial Indicators

TCM practitioners diagnose illnesses using four primary methods: inspection, auscultation and olfaction, interrogation, and palpation. Inspection involves observing various signs and lesions on the patient’s body. According to Shih, the philtrum (the groove above the upper lip) is associated with the health of the uterus and bladder, indicating the condition of the reproductive and urinary systems.

The distinction between young women and older women can be seen in the clarity of the philtrum ridge (the raised lines beside the groove) and the lip ridge, Shih noted. Well-defined and clear philtrum and lip ridges indicate sufficient qi and blood in the body.

Qi is the energy or power that constitutes life within the body. In TCM, all nutrients that supplement the body are collectively referred to as blood. The circulation of qi and blood maintains the balance and stability of various tissues and organs. When there is an imbalance or deficiency of qi and blood in the body, diseases or other conditions may occur.
Women generally have the most abundant qi and blood between the ages of 26 and 28, when ovarian function is at its peak, and the philtrum and lip ridges often appear well-defined. However, as women age, ovarian function gradually declines, qi and blood diminish, leading to the flattening of the philtrum ridge and the blurring of the lip ridge.

For women experiencing menopause or struggling to conceive after a year of trying, Shih recommends observing whether their philtrum ridge has flattened or their lip ridge has blurred, as these changes may indicate a deficiency in qi and blood.

TCM Treatment Methods

Premature ovarian insufficiency can result from factors that reduce the body’s hormone levels, subsequently impairing ovarian function, Shih said. TCM therapy may help restore the body’s natural functioning by regulating the constitution, potentially reversing premature ovarian insufficiency.

Shih once treated a 45-year-old woman who had experienced menopause at 30 and was diagnosed with premature ovarian insufficiency. She initially sought treatment for body aches, and Shih prescribed a blood-activating and stasis-resolving herbal medicine regimen to alleviate her discomfort. Shortly afterward, the woman unexpectedly experienced heavy bleeding, which was found upon examination to be menstrual blood. Her hormone levels had returned to normal, and her menstrual cycle resumed.

Shih speculated that her condition may have been caused by pelvic blood stasis, which had manifested as premature ovarian insufficiency. The blood-activating treatment prescribed for her body aches inadvertently resolved her menopausal symptoms.

This case was identified as an example of pseudo-premature ovarian insufficiency, where the symptoms mimicked actual ovarian failure but were reversible.

Acupoint Massage for Ovarian Health

A meta-analysis indicated that acupuncture may help alleviate symptoms associated with premature ovarian insufficiency, thereby improving ovarian function and increasing the likelihood of conception.

According to TCM, meridians are the channels through which energy flows in the human body, responsible for transporting qi and blood. The internal organs are connected to the body’s surface through these meridians. Along the meridians are specific points known as acupoints, which possess unique functions. By stimulating the corresponding acupoints through techniques like acupuncture and massage, it is possible to treat diseases related to specific organs.

For cases of pseudo-premature ovarian insufficiency, deep abdominal massage can be used to stimulate the Qihai and Guanyuan acupoints located in the lower abdomen, Shih explained. Pressing these acupoints enhances qi and blood circulation around the ovaries, helping to improve temporary ovarian dysfunction without the need for medication.

The Qihai acupoint is located two finger-widths below the navel, while the Guanyuan acupoint is four finger-widths below the navel. To perform the massage, press deeply until a sore sensation is felt, then release and repeat the process in cycles to enhance the therapeutic effect. Shih recommends using a massage stick to apply pressure, as it helps prevent finger fatigue.

Location of Qihai and Guanyuan acupoints. (The Epoch Times)

Location of Qihai and Guanyuan acupoints. The Epoch Times

Shih stated that the progression of premature ovarian insufficiency is gradual, and it may be possible to reverse the condition with medication during the process of ovarian decline.

An animal study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology demonstrated that the TCM herbal formula Zuogui Pill can prevent ovarian aging by restoring ovarian function.

Daily Care for Ovarian Health

Excessive stress is considered a potential trigger for premature ovarian insufficiency, Shih noted. In TCM, the liver is believed to be closely linked to emotional well-being, and emotional stress can disrupt the circulation of the liver meridian. Since the liver meridian passes near the uterus, it can influence fertility and menstruation. An obstruction in the liver meridian’s flow may negatively affect ovarian function.

Effectively managing stress, combined with acupoint massage, can help relax the body and mind while enhancing qi and blood circulation. This approach is essential for supporting ovarian health and delaying the aging process.

Note: Treatment methods may vary depending on the individual. Please consult with a health care professional for a specific treatment plan.

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