The way to staying youthful comes not in a pill, or a nip and tuck, but in cultivating joy around the simple necessities of life.
If you follow the news, you know there is no shortage of advice about health, which rises and falls in popularity depending on the latest research. In many cases, it’s hard to know what to believe, and so many people are left figuring things out on their own.
Perhaps this is simply the messy process of science playing itself out in real-time.
There’s also the fact that many powerful interest groups are out there trying to lobby for rules that mean more profit in their pockets. This makes it extremely hard for the average person to know what “the science” says on any given subject.
While I’m not able to give simple answers to such complex questions, I do have something to offer you.
There are a whole host of activities that make us feel good when we do them, with virtually no risk of serious side effects. You’ll know they work because they immediately add value to your life and make you feel younger. The verdict may be out on whether they add years to your life, but through your own experience, you can see if they add vigor to your life in the here and now.
9 Changes to Make You Feel Younger
1. Get Enough Sleep
In the past few years we’ve seen a growing obsession with sleep—getting it right, tracking it, making it into a science—all potentially anxiety-creating. I don’t think any of that is necessary. You’ll know your sleep is working when you wake up refreshed on a regular basis.
2. Drink Enough Water
How much water do you need? I think whatever amount leaves you feeling good and hydrated is a good guide. Listen to the signs your body is giving you and keep water nearby so it’s convenient at any time.
3. Find a Good Moisturizer and Use It Often
There seems to be good evidence that moisturizing your skin is better than letting it dry out, if your goal is good, healthy skin. Beyond those benefits, having moisturized hands, lips, face, and other parts of your body just feels good and looks better.
4. Take a Brisk Walk When You Feel Lethargic
Putting aside the amazing health benefits of exercise, you don’t need someone to tell you that going for a brisk walk on a nice day is one of life’s great pleasures. Not only do I feel renewed mentally after a walk, but I typically feel more energized than when I started—all without needing to break a sweat.
5. Step Outside and Soak up the Warm Sun
Speaking of getting outside, feeling the sun on my skin is a wonderful delight that instantly boosts my mood. I’m not going to get into the literature on sunscreen, which has points on both sides, but it’s worth saying that common sense should prevail— avoid getting burned and protect yourself, but don’t neglect soaking up those rays for good cheer.
6. Spend More Time With Those You Love the Most
How’s this for advice: Spend more time talking, laughing, and enjoying the people you love. Being around people that make you come alive also makes you feel younger and more energized. Surround yourself with pessimists and complainers and you’ll feel pulled by their negativity.
7. Stop Eating When You Feel Full
We all know being overweight is bad for health—that’s just common sense. But one of the main reasons I don’t stuff myself is because I feel bad afterward. This instant feedback is enough for me to eat in moderation and walk away from meals satisfied instead of stretched out.
8. Establish a Gentle Stretching Routine
Nobody teaches cats to stretch, but if you have ever had one, you know it’s one of the first things they do after getting up. Humans love to stretch too, but we’re often too busy and forget to do it. You should definitely make time to stretch more because it feels great to do it, and will make your body feel more limber and youthful immediately afterwards.
9. Set Aside Time for Relaxation and Meditation
Last but not least is being intentional about relaxation. If all you do is go, go, go, you’ll eventually feel the mental and physical strain catch up to you. There’s nothing worse than dreading the day ahead of you in the morning, so be sure to add relaxation and perhaps even prayer or meditation into your day. These activities are enjoyable in their own right, and will make the journey of life more sustainable.