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5 Key Symptoms of Prostate Cancer and Treatment Approaches

5 Key Symptoms of Prostate Cancer and Treatment Approaches

The long latency period of prostate cancer often results in initial symptoms so subtle that many people miss early diagnosis and treatment. Dr. Chen Bo Sheng, a cancer specialist at Jing-Her Chinese Medicine Clinic in Taiwan, outlined the symptoms of prostate cancer and prevention strategies on the “Health 1+1” program.”

A study published in The Lancet in April projected that the number of new prostate cancer cases worldwide will double from 1.4 million in 2020 to 2.9 million by 2040. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men in 112 countries globally.

Causes of Prostate Cancer

Dr. Chen highlighted that prostate cancer is closely linked to aging. As the body ages and cellular function declines, errors in cell replication become more frequent, increasing the risk of developing cancer. Even without symptoms, many men may have early-stage prostate cancer cells present in their bodies. Additionally, prostate cancer is increasingly affecting younger men, with some patients as young as 40 or 50 years.

Prostate cancer is a slow-growing tumor with a long latency period, often remaining undetected throughout a person’s life. A study that conducted autopsies on 114 Japanese men, with an average age of 62 and no prior history of cancer, found that 38.6 percent of the subjects had prostate cancer. Among those aged 80 and older, the figure increased to 61.5 percent.
Dr. Chen noted that processed and fast foods, unlike traditional whole foods, often contain more additives, preservatives, and colorings, which can place additional strain on the body. Poor dietary habits may promote the growth of existing cancer cells, and when combined with weakened immune function, this can increase the risk of tumor development.

Symptoms of Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is highly insidious, often asymptomatic in its early stages. As the disease progresses, the following symptoms may appear:

  1. Urgency and frequency of urination
  2. Difficulty starting urination
  3. Intermittent urine flow
  4. Sensation of incomplete bladder emptying
  5. Blood in the urine

However, these symptoms do not necessarily indicate prostate cancer. Dr. Chen explained that after the age of 40, the prostate is prone to enlargement due to aging. It can also enlarge due to factors like frequently holding in urine or cycling, which can cause similar symptoms.

Some symptoms can be self-detected, while others, such as blood in the urine, require medical testing. So how can one distinguish whether these symptoms indicate prostate cancer? Dr. Chen recommends carefully monitoring the severity of the symptoms. If they become progressively worse, it is crucial to consider the possibility of cancer in addition to prostate inflammation.

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing is one method of screening for prostate cancer. However, Dr. Chen emphasized that the PSA level is only one indicator. This standard test detects prostate inflammation, and high PSA levels can indicate prostatitis. Some individuals with high PSA levels do not have cancer upon further testing. Conversely, there are prostate cancer patients whose cancer has metastasized to the ureter or kidneys, yet their PSA levels are not elevated.

3 Prostate Cancer Prevention Strategies

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the state of energy and vitality is referred to as vital qi or “zhengqi,” which is closely linked to immunity. For example, clinical observations have shown that individuals with chronic fatigue may exhibit reduced white blood cell activity and count in blood tests. Dr. Chen also recommends regular health check-ups to stay informed about your physical condition.

1. Monitor Your Energy and Well-Being

Dr. Chen advises paying close attention to your body, particularly by monitoring your energy levels and overall well-being. If you are sleeping well and maintaining a balanced diet but still notice a decline in physical strength, it could indicate a health issue.

2. Get Good Sleep

Sleep is closely linked to bodily repair and immunity. High stress, poor sleep quality, and insufficient sleep can all weaken the immune system. Dr. Chen stressed that as people age, the likelihood of cancer cells developing in the body increases. However, a strong immune system and normal levels of lymphocytes in the white blood cells can help the body combat and eliminate cancer cells.

3. Medication

In terms of medication, Dr. Chen mentioned Metformin, a drug commonly used to treat diabetes. Metformin, derived from the natural herb French lilac, has also been shown to reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer.

A study published in European Urology in April found that Metformin can reduce oxidative stress and support normal mitochondrial function, thereby suppressing the progression of prostate cancer.
A 2023 study published in The Lancet Healthy Longevity by the University of Hong Kong, which analyzed genetic data from more than 300,000 participants in the UK Biobank, found that Metformin may also support healthy aging.

Integrating Western and TCM in Cancer Treatment

In the treatment of cancer, Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine can complement each other. Dr. Chen outlined six principles of TCM for treating cancer and compared them with Western medicine approaches.

1. “Eliminating pathogens and strengthening vital qi” refers to boosting the immune system to eradicate disease-causing elements, similar to the activation of immune cells in Western medicine.

TCM can provide patients with formulations to enhance their immunity, such as increasing white blood cell counts or the proportion of lymphocytes.

2. “Clearing heat and detoxifying” involves employing anti-inflammatory Chinese herbs to induce apoptosis in tumor cells.

3. “Softening and resolving hard masses” refers to using Chinese herbs to alter the signals on the surface of tumors.

4. “Activating blood circulation and dissipating blood stasis” refers to inhibiting blood clotting and angiogenesis, thereby suppressing tumor growth.

5. “Resolving phlegm and eliminating dampness” involves removing pathological substances from the body and enhancing metabolism to clear excess fluids and waste, as cancer is also a disease of metabolic imbalance.

6. “Nourishing the heart and calming the nerves” refers to improving sleep quality, thus boosting the anti-cancer capabilities of brain cells and the entire body system.

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