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Yes, vaccines do contain poisons!


By Dr. Serge

When you think you heard it all, you hear something funnier lol

Yeah, apparently, there is no poison and heavy metal in vaccines. 🙂

Let’s go back to basics chemistry.

Based on the periodic table, mercury is a heavy metal along with lead, cadmium, titanium, manganese, and several others.

By the way, aluminum is not a heavy metal. It is actually light compare to them, but this does not make it safer. 😊

So, vaccines have been shown to contain several metals like mercury, lead, platinum, silver, bismuth, iron, chromium, gold, zinc, tungsten, and nickel.

You can read more about this fact here:

Thimerosal is a mercury-based preservative used in vaccines and other medicines. Developed by the pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly in 1928, over the years, Thimerosal has been used in a variety of medical products, including topical antiseptics, nasal sprays, eye drops, immune globulin products, and vaccines.

Thimerosal is about 50 percent ethyl mercury by weight. Thimerosal exposure has been linked to attention disorders, speech delays, language delays, Tourette Syndrome, misery disorder, seizures, epilepsy, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, narcolepsy, heart disorders, neurological disorders, asthma, and allergies.

Mercury is highly toxic, and some researchers believe it is more toxic than uranium.

Over 165 peer-reviewed scientific studies show a link between Thimerosal and neurological injuries.

You can have access to those studies at this link:

Unfortunately, there’s a lot of misinformation about Thimerosal out there. Apparently, if you listen to the pro-vaxers, mercury is perfectly safe, and it is not a concern at all.

Let’s see!

In 2001 the Institute of Medicine reviewed the use of thimerosal-containing vaccines and neurodevelopmental disorders and recommended that thimerosal be removed from vaccines administered to sensitive populations.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices (ACIP) chose not to follow the recommendations of the Institute of Medicine.

Today Thimerosal is still in approximately one third to one-half of the flu vaccines produced annually and administered to pregnant women and infants (access the government’s list of Thimerosal-containing flu vaccines).

This means that the developing fetus, as well as babies as young as six months, are being exposed to mercury in vaccines.

There is also Thimerosal in the diphtheria-tetanus vaccine and in one vaccine to protect against meningitis.

The CDC recommends flu shots for pregnant women, six-month-old, and children in every year of life. Pregnant women often instructed by their doctors to get two influenza vaccines if their pregnancy spans more than one flu season.

You see, Thimerosal was not removed from childhood vaccines in 2003. It was just moved around.

In 1999, after realizing that the cumulative amount of mercury a child was exposed to via vaccines had never been tallied, the Public Health Service (PHS), the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and vaccine manufacturers’ recommended Thimerosal be removed from all childhood vaccines.

Thimerosal was then in three childhood vaccines: against diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus (DTaP), against Haemophilus influenzae type B (Hib), and against hepatitis B.

However, instead of requiring immediate removal, the CDC allowed the pharmaceutical companies to save money by using up their inventories of mercury-containing vaccines.

By 2003, the industry had finally used up stocks of thimerosal-containing vaccines, and Thimerosal is no longer used in these three vaccines.

At the same time, mercury was finally phased out of the DTaP, Hib, and Hep B vaccine. The CDC added the mercury-containing flu vaccine to the childhood schedule.

At that time, almost all flu vaccines contained 25 micrograms (mcgs) of mercury, recommended to children in every year of life.

Someone might ask if the CDC still allows Thimerosal in vaccines given to pregnant women, then it must be safe. The truth is that  NO amount of mercury is safe for humans.

Thimerosal-containing vaccines are especially unsafe for pregnant women.

Mercury is one of the most toxic substances known to man. Studies have also shown that thimerosal causes debilitating brain injuries and miscarriages when pregnant women have been exposed to mercury (methyl and ethyl) from accidental poisonings.

The FDA has never tested or approved thimerosal for use in pregnancy. No big surprise here. It seems that the FDA does not care about the Americans…

I hear all the time that the ethyl mercury in Thimerosal is less toxic than the methyl mercury in fish. After all, humans can drink ethyl alcohol even though methyl alcohol is poisonous.

The science shows that ethyl mercury is actually more toxic than methyl mercury. While this is a common argument, it is simply untrue. In order to exonerate thimerosal, its defenders sometimes parrot the debunked industry canard that “the ethyl mercury in thimerosal is less persistent in the body and therefore less toxic than methyl mercury in fish.”

However, they cannot cite a single published scientific study to support this position.

That’s because science says the opposite. Ethyl mercury is 50 times more toxic than methyl mercury:

and twice as persistent in the brain:

However, those vaccines pushers would like something like this: but the dose makes the poison. There’s only a “trace amount” of mercury in the flu vaccine, which is too small to cause harm.

The term “trace amounts” means less than one microgram (mcg).

Thimerosal-containing flu shots contain what in biochemical terms is actually a massive dose of mercury: 25 mcg.

The Environmental Protection Agency’s maximum exposure limits for methyl mercury is .1 microgram per 1 kilogram of body weight, which means a baby would have to weigh 550 pounds to safely absorb 25 micrograms of mercury.

At these levels, a growing fetus in a mother receiving the flu shot could get up to a million times the EPA’s safe levels.

Can you imagine this? This is crazy that we allow this practice, still today, knowing this fact!

In fact, there is no known safe exposure level to mercury. Even if the flu shot contained only one microgram, it would still be double the amount deemed safe by EPA for a nine-pound baby.

Furthermore, as we just said, the ethyl mercury in vaccines is fifty times more toxic and twice as persistent in the brain as the methyl mercury in fish for which EPA established those standards.

Then, those vaccines pushers like to state those epidemiological studies that demonstrate that vaccines do not cause autism or any problems in children.

We know that those studies were fabricated. I do not have to go over all of them right now, but I may in the future 😊

Despite seriously flawed scientific studies designed to exonerate Thimerosal, there is ample epidemiological and clinical data showing it is toxic to children’s brains.

Studies conducted by the CDC have linked Thimerosal exposure with tics.

Tics are a family of grave neurological injuries that include Tourette Syndrome.

CDC’s senior vaccine safety scientist, William Thompson, Ph.D., himself told research scientist Brian Hooker, Ph.D., “I can say confidently I do think Thimerosal causes tics.”

The EPA says that epidemics in a broad inventory of neurodevelopmental injuries began in 1989, the same year that the CDC vaccine division increased mercury exposures to American children from 70 µg to 570 µg.

The EPA calls 1989 “The Gateway Year.” According to the CDC, one in every six American children now suffers from neurodevelopmental disorders.

We literally have hundreds of studies to support this claim.

But as I explained before, those vaccine pushers do not understand biological science:

They only rely on epidemiology studies to support their nonscientific claims

No one who actually takes the time to examine the scientific literature can rationally conclude that mercury in any form is safe for humans. No one!

It is interesting that in 2008 top public health officials at HHS conceded that vaccines caused autism.

In 2008 the family of eight-year-old Hannah Polling was compensated for autism due to vaccine injury. Since Hannah’s father was himself a doctor and her mother a nurse and a lawyer, this case garnered an unusual amount of attention.

The government’s expert, Dr. Andrew Zimmerman, said that the vaccines had caused a metabolic overload that triggered Hannah’s autism. The court ordered Hannah’s medical records and details about the case to be sealed.

However, the United States government has awarded hundreds of millions of dollars to dozens of other vaccine-injured children with autism diagnoses, as detailed in this article:

Officials at the CDC and the FDA have also conceded that vaccines might cause autism.

In 2008, the late Dr. Bernadine Healy, former head of National Institutes of Health, said on CBS News: “We can’t dismiss a link between vaccines and autism because we have never studied the children who were fine and who suddenly lost learned skills and regressed into autism following vaccination.”

The bottom line is mercury is very, very toxic!

God bless y’all 😊

Dr. Serge

Original Source

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