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Our Industrialized Gut Microbiome | The Epoch Times

Our Industrialized Gut Microbiome | The Epoch Times

Since the Industrial Revolution the fall of our healthy microbiomes has become evident.

Health Viewpoints

The Industrial Revolution has had a profound impact on the human race. From warfare to medicine vast changes have catapulted humanity to new heights. In addition to affecting the core components of our societies, the era has also had a profound impact on another, perhaps surprising aspect of human change: our gut microbiomes.

A 2024 study showed that the gut microbiome has lost three previously unknown microbes once widespread in humans but now rare in industrialized societies. This is due primarily to our diets of highly processed food.

The Gut Microbiome

The gut microbiome is a complex, mini-ecosystem within our bodies comprising hundreds of species of microorganisms. This ecosystem represents a symbiotic relationship between our body and the various microbiota.

The body receives additional energy, nutrients (as well as various other compounds necessary for the basic function of our organs like our brain), and detoxification capabilities from the gut microbiome. The gut microbiota receives protection from bacteria and viruses as well as raw food.

Our bodies and minds depend on our gut microbiome for the necessary building blocks and energy. As such, when the gut is unhealthy mass problems are caused such as the inability to fight off infections, bad mood, poor concentration, and various mental disorders.

While several factors are needed for a healthy microbiome, the most important is what the microbiota feed on. The race to industrialize our food caused mass factory production resulting in a multitude of affordable processed foods in our diets.

Processed foods contain large amounts of toxins used for preservation, flavor, and color which can result in mass microbiota death. Most processed foods are high in carbs and sugars, which are quickly and easily digested by the body.

This category of foods can lead to an overgrowth of gut microbes that have adapted for quick consumption of carbs and sugars. These gut microbes then over-multiply and outcompete other microbes. The direct result of this is a gut microbiome that is better suited for eating processed food and not much else.

3 Lost Microbes

The study, published in Science, found that we have lost three microbes in our guts that were once widespread in rural and pre-industrialized humans. The loss of these microbes is significant on two levels. First is that, by itself, these microbiota were aimed at the digestion of fiber. As such this loss will decrease the efficiency of digestion of fiber within many people and close off potential energy sources.

Second, on a wider level, it is indicative of processed food attacking and destroying our gut microbiomes. In conjunction, it shows a potential downward spiral where our guts will continue to lose efficiency if our diets continue to, in part, consist of processed food. The results of this will be decreased energy, concentration, and nutrition for the people affected.

Recovery Is Possible

In the same way that our gut microbiome is damaged, it can also be made healthy. While there are many factors leading to a healthy gut, such as initial gut colonization via natural birth and breastfeeding as a baby, the best way for adults to revive a healthy gut is to begin a gut reset—cutting out highly processed and sugary foods thus starving the microbes that survive on them.

This will make room for other gut microbes to live and thrive in the gut restoring balance. In addition to cutting out unhealthy foods, it is important to eat well, making sure to feed your body various food types to help diversify the gut microbiome.

However, while eating healthy can help to increase your health it will not completely restore our microbiomes. To ensure that the microbiome is restored good microbiota must reintroduced—primarily through probiotics and prebiotics—although there are many different methods to introduce new gut microbiota.
Studies have shown the impact of changes in our gut microbiome also affects our brains. Because the gut microbiome is necessary for the production of nutrients and certain compounds our brain needs, a weakened microbiome may change our brain chemistry.
Many doctors have anecdotal evidence of poor gut microbiomes causing a variety of mental issues ranging from depression to schizophrenia. With how important our gut microbiomes are to our overall health it is baffling to see how many of the current widespread issues facing first-world countries could have their roots in poor gut microbiomes.

With more research emerging every year showing the overall degradation of our microbiomes and its effects, a balanced gut microbiome is something people should strive to take care of as much as they would their skin, heart, or other vital organs.

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