NVIC’s No Forced Vaccination Message In Times Square for Thanksgiving Parade
“This year during the Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City, NVIC’s pro-education “Vaccinations? Know the Risks and Failure” and pro-choice “No Forced Vaccination” animated message is being shown at least every 7 to 10 minutes on a 56 foot by 29 foot electronic screen in Times Square at 1500 Broadway (where the ball drops on New Year’s Eve). Times Square has pedestrian traffic of between 300,000 and 500,000 people every day, with the Thanksgiving Day Parade drawing more than three million people into Manhattan.
NVIC launched it first digital message in Times Square in 2011 on New Year’s Eve, when the crowd celebrating in the heart of Manhattan can swell to nearly one million people. This year, after the New York legislature eliminated the religious exemption to vaccination and the state health department effectively eliminated the medical exemption, in a show of solidarity with parents in New York, Maine, California and every state defending informed consent rights, NVIC re-launched its digital “no forced vaccination” ad. It will stay up in Times Square through the Christmas holiday shopping, on New Year’s Eve and until Jan 31.”