Important Information:
1) In January 2020 Richard Di Natale resigned from his role as leader of the Greens Party and he is retiring from politics. In 2013 Richard Di Natale presented false information about infectious disease control in Australia and defended industry-lobby group activists (SAVN) in the Australian Federal Parliament. Here are the corrections to this false and misleading information about vaccines that he provided in the parliament.
2) My book describing in detail how Australians lost their health freedom will be published in February/March. Pre-orders can be made here and will receive a discount price. No payment is required until the book is in print.
Peter McIntyre’s (ex-director NCIRS) Involvement in a Family Court Matter:
In September 2018 Peter McIntyre, ex-director of the Australian government’s vaccination policy, was brought into a case in the Family Court that was originally due to be heard on the 1 August 2018. He was engaged as a second expert witness for the father who wanted his children to be fully vaccinated according to the government’s program of vaccines (12+ vaccines).
Peter McIntyre was brought into this court case after the case was postponed due to the father’s lawyer being sick (on 1 August 2018) and the case was re-scheduled for the 12 December 2018.
The day before Peter McIntyre submitted his affidavit to the court my expert witness affidavit that supported the mother’s decision not to vaccinate the children was leaked to the Australian media – the Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) (23 September 2018). This is a breach of the Family Law act and it is a federal crime punishable with up to one year in jail.
The media article in the SMH written by Kylar Loussikian, who quoted directly from my affidavit, provided false and misleading information about my qualifications and my position on vaccines. This article defamed my reputation and research. In addition, it gave the false impression that my research on infectious disease control in Australia was not representative of the majority opinion on this topic. This is not correct.
The research that I am presenting on infectious disease control in Australia is the majority view of the top public health officials of the 20th and 21st century. [PhD thesis Chapter 2].
Peter McIntyre also promoted false and misleading information about my research in the SMH article, as he has done on many occasions since my PhD was completed in 2015. Here are the corrections to Peter McIntyre’s false information that he has been providing to the Australian community in his role as Director of Australia’s vaccine research and surveillance unit (NCIRS) from 2005-2017.
The decision for someone to breach the Family Law Act instead of ensuring that Peter McIntyre defends his government policy (a policy that he has been directly influencing for 20+ years) in the Australian courts, is significant. To date I have not been informed who leaked my affidavit to the media because the Australian Federal Police would not investigate this breach of the Family Law Act – a federal crime. A crime that impacts the health (and death) of every Australian because of the false and misleading health information that was provided in the SMH article.
Peter McIntyre has been collecting the science underpinning the government’s policies at the National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (NCIRS) since its establishment in 1997. Yet in 2015 Peter McIntyre’s NCIRS did not have to provide a submission showing the science that supports the mandatory use of 12+ vaccines to protect community health. Nor did the ATAGI vaccine advisory board that has recommended new vaccines directly to the Health Minister for 20 years.
Why weren’t these vaccine advisory boards required to provide the science for mandating vaccines (this is different to recommending vaccines) in legislation? To date there is no publicly available science that supports the mandating of 12-16 vaccines in social services policies and when the concerned community requested this information with a Freedom of Information (FOI) request to the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet’s office the request was denied.
The concerned Australian community has simply been told that the mandating of 12+ vaccines for social services such as welfare benefits, childcare enrolment and employment was supported by advice provided by the Chief Medical Officer and it is not available to the public even under the Freedom of Information Act.
Politicians are only able to make value-judgments about vaccines, they do not have definitive knowledge, and hence the public is required to be consulted on the reasons for the legislation before it is approved, to give their consent. Four years after this legislation was implemented in Australia, the community is still being denied the evidence that was used to support mandating 12+ vaccines in social services policies, when most of these vaccines were not developed when infectious diseases were controlled.
So how is this social services legislation (that is not supported by any health law) for a legitimate public health purpose?
It is still not compulsory for all Australians to use any vaccine yet our children and some employees are being prevented from participating fully in society without using every vaccine that has been developed in recent times. This is a tragedy for our health, for the cohesion of society (due to the misinformation being spread as ‘education’) and for the federal health budget as the chronic illness increases in the population due to the increased use of vaccines.
The lack of transparency and accountability in Australia’s vaccination policies was revealed in Newsletter 244 (see the time-line of events) which shows how the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute (MCRI) that runs the biggest vaccine research and development program in Australia, had the potential to influence the expansion of Australia’s vaccination program from 2005 onwards and how the Murdoch owned media in Australia was able to promote the No Jab No Pay/Play policies with a simplistic jingle to influence politicians and public behaviour on this issue.
There is no justification for mandating any vaccine and it is time for all Australians to stand up and ensure that our human right to medical freedom is restored in this country – before more harm is done.
Judy Wilyman PhD
Bachelor of Science, University of NSW
Diploma of Education (Science), University of Wollongong
Master of Science (Population Health), Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Public Health, University of Wollongong.
PhD in A critical analysis of the Australian government’s rationale for its vaccination policy’ (the science, politics and ethics of Australia’s vaccination policies) , UOW School of Humanities and Social Inquiry.
Website Vaccination Decisions