New Evidence About PCR Tests Will Blow Your Mind!
Dr. Jane Ruby joined Stew Peters to expose the CDC for quietly admitting that the PCR tests are a COMPLETE FRAUD, and are used exclusively to promote fear as the globalists push for complete subservience, lockdowns, mandates and draconian measures to steal your freedom in the name of FAKE POSITIVE TESTS!
Here’s what others had to say:
This test was invented by a Nobel peace prize winning scientist he said his test was never meant for viruses it’s completely faulty for that use.
Look into your local schools. The feds have poured money into states to roll out testing in schools. This will be used to pump up the numbers for kids testing positive, and to instill fear of the so-called delta variant that is supposedly worse for the kids they are trying to vaccinate. I am in Kansas and my state received 80 million for school site testing. The health department is offering districts three plans to choose from for testing. Those plans range from daily testing for everyone to weekly testing for symptomatic individuals. So asking us to stop testing, which is what I have been screaming from the rafters for months, is no longer going to work. They are going to test your kids at least weekly if you want them in school. I’m a teacher and I’m livid about this.
He knew that fraudchi was using it in africa and was planning on using it on this new outbreak in north america and he announced that he was going to take fraudchi down with the truth and shortly after that he was murdered but it didn’t look like murder of course
I hope these freaks go away soon.
That is not what he said. He said the test has it uses, but you can’t diagnose anything solely based upon a PCR test.
The PCR test was invented for DNA testing, such as & the others along with other uses. However, it was NOT intended for testing Viruses, but if you turned up whatever they use to measure it, it can be MANIPULATED to give you the reading you want… Which in #FraudFauci’s case is ALWAYS a #FalsePositive!!
Same here in Mississippi. My district will be testing any NONVACCINATED child or adult who has been within 3 feet for more than 15 minutes. They will test every 2 days for six days. What can we do????
I encourage parents to pull their kids from school. Don’t let the district receive funding for you child only to send them home and close down again. That is ridiculous! Homeschool this year. Any way you can. Even if the kids lose a year of learning it beats this nonsense. Until parents pull kids out of public schools, this will continue forever.
Don’t think God meant that for those wanting to give you/your family a death jab.