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Member’s donation to Australian Vaxxed II Bus



Our members have demanded that we bring the Vaxxed bus to Australia so as always, we are listening to our members!

But without their help, this will not become a reality.

We need money for the actual bus, to fit it out properly so we can use it to interview the families of the vaccine-killed and injured as well as those who are unvaccinated and healthy.

We also will need money for insurance, registration, fuel, accommodation and meals whilst on the road.

Whatever you – our members – can do to help bring this dream about, we would be so grateful.

We have set up a special account specifically for this purpose. All funds donated here will go to the Australian Vaxxed II Bus.

If you would prefer to pay by credit card or PayPal, please click this link to make payment in our secure webshop:

If you would rather pay by direct deposit or internet banking, the details are as follows:

Westpac Bank
AVN Vaxxed Bus
BSB – 032591
Account number – 391619

If you would like a receipt, please leave your name as identification and send an email to telling us when the payment was made and the amount. If you would prefer to make your donation anonymously, that is fine too.

Original Source

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