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In the US, You Can Go to Jail for Disclosing Record-level Vaccination Data


In the US, You Can Go to Jail for Disclosing Record-level Vaccination Data

By Steve Kirsch

Privacy is more important than data transparency of public health records. So we have to trust the public health agencies. Are you feeling safer now?

Executive summary

In the US, HIPAA laws prevent disclosure of dates, only years are allowed in record-level data.

From 45 CFR § 164.514(b)(2)(i)(C), dates have to be years including date of birth, death, and service.

So the vaccine manufacturers don’t have to worry about record-level PHI being made available to the public anytime soon in the US.


There isn’t anything to prevent public health authorities from publishing:

  1. Detailed time-series cohort analyses like I did with the New Zealand and Czech Republic data.
  2. Summary analyses by 5 year age groups, brand, and sex of mortality at 90, 180, 270, 360, etc. days after each vaccine dose.

And yet, nobody does it. The code to create these analyses is freely available on the Internet.


HIPAA protects your privacy and it also protects the public from knowing how deadly the COVID vaccines are.

It enables the US government to kill hundreds of thousands of Americans and avoid detection.

Health authorities can keep all this information out of public view.

Do you feel safer now?

Original Source

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