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‘If Vax Work, Then Why Do Vaxinated People Have To Wear Masks?’ – Peter Doocy Grills Psaki on New Mask Regulations


‘If Vax Work, Then Why Do Vaxinated People Have To Wear Masks?’ – Peter Doocy Grills Psaki on New Mask Regulations

By European Times

Fox News reporter Peter Doocy on Tuesday grilled Press Secretary Jen Psaki over the new mask regulations for vaccinated people.

Officials told Reuters the CDC will recommend fully vaccinated Americans wear masks indoors.

“If vaccines work, which this signs says that they do, then why do people who have the vaccine now need to wear masks?” Peter Doocy asked.

Psaki’s answer made no sense whatsoever – in fact, Psaki confirmed the vaccines don’t work.

“Because the public health leaders in our administration have made the determination based on data, that that is a way to make sure they are protected, their loved ones are protected and that’s an extra step given the transmissibility of the virus,” Psaki said.

In other words, the vaccine doesn’t work and a cloth mask is more effective. Science!

Original Source

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