Did W.H.O just let the cat out of the bag that Covid no worse than a seasonal flu in death rates?
By Informed Medical Options Party QLD – IMOP
So the WHO has let the cat out of the bag and confirmed what many health experts have been saying for months – the coronavirus is no more dangerous than the seasonal flu.
This release was Monday the 5th of October….Hmmm so why is our Chief Medical Officer, Premier, and Minister for Health keeping the borders closed? Did they not get the memo? Are they not connected to the WHO?
Does it have anything to do with the deals done with va((ine companies in the past week?
Would that make the deals less lucrative if it is only as dangerous as the seasonal flu?
Or are they still trying to keep the state locked up to keep everyone in fear?
Time to get on with living, open the borders, and let our state start the recovery process.
All states for that matter and all MPs that are voting to keep all locked down until a vaccine is available need to be closely scrutinised as to what financial gain they will receive.
Time to clean up the mess and bring truth, transparency, and accountability to politics, it has been missing for too many decades.