Will you defend our way of life or remain silent?
As the Founder of the Australian National Review in 2013, a not for profit which I’ve funded in the millions, and because of it and launching the 21st Century Australia Political Party in 2013 as well led me to being targeted by the deep state using dodgy Govt agencies such as the ASIC. As a result I lost tens of millions, plus had a lot of land assets stolen, not to mention over $7 million in stolen Bitcoin.
For ANR to continue its work it’s requires more funding then I can provide.
And without independent media to expose the Globalist Coup and their Great Reset Global Communism plan (includes quarantine camps and property confiscation by 2022 or as early as Sept 2021. (according to leaked documents)
ANR and independent media is up against multi Billion dollar funded mainstream media conglomerates and Facebook and Google etc to censor and usher in the Great Reset.
After all they think they are more powerful the a President and can over step democracy – which is already non-existent.
Mass Bs 19 vaxx’s are apart of this agenda as our coming deliberate disruption to global food supplies and planned release of actual deadly bio weapons not the past falsified pandemic.
If we don’t win we all lose
Please support us
See the link below in comments as Facebook is still blocking Australian Newsites.
In fact, I will bribe you to help us
Check out our website and see our new sponsor offer if you’d like to be well rewarded to help us help you and our country and world.
Sophisticated investors only
If you are willing to donate $50,000 to our cause I have access to a deal to potentially create $250,000 within 90 days and $1 m within 12 months (or $250 k into $1 million in 90 days or $5 million in 12 months )
Of course their is no guarantees however if you want info on how then email jamie@21ce.com.au
As if we don’t achieve the Great Awakening and let the Globalists Socialists Billionaires headed up by the World Economic Forum moron Klaus Schwarb and WHO controller and Global Health Dictator billy boy Gates win then you will lose more then $50,000.
All business owners need to urgently dip into their pocket and do something to save our way of life and democracy and the right to private ownership otherwise your silence is consent.
I or no individual can win this battle alone.
I need your help.
I’ve sacrificed a lot to take a stand against this tyranny.
I’m asking you to help out or explain to your kids and grand kids why you didn’t take a stand when we had to chance to save humanity from Global slavery.
We need millions to put up a serious fight.
And I wouldn’t bet against my predictions considering my track record.
Will you take a stand or surrender without a fight?
Many of you are about to lose loved ones from the Great Reset agenda with their Bs 19 vaxx and you’re going to simply let that happen ? They are coming for your children and grand children, your parents and grand parents. Will you defend them or remain silent ?
We can win this fight, but we must all play our part.
Simply trying to protect your ever decreasing patch or worried about your business or career if you speak out will cause everyone to potentially lose everything.
Here’s what others had to say:
1. Dale Hawkins
How is it even possible to steal Bitcoin? You should of had that amount in cold storage. Untouchable.
As the old saying goes..
Not your key, not your crypto.
2. Mike Simon
There’s never only one key to the safety deposit box.