Why those who think they are doing the right thing are the most dangerous?
Here’s what others had to say:
This is a silent war with no bullets just lying corrupt politicians from all over the world.
How do people see a vaccine made in a few months for covid(bad flu) when they couldn’t make a vaccine for the common flu !
Big pharmaceutical slogan
“There is no money to be made in healthy people”……… keep them sick and keep making money ☠️
My strongest feeling is we will be victorious…. they will retreat. But they’ll retreat to study is more, learn, plan and come at us again. It will be us and our kids who have to deal with them again. So we have to make what we learn readily available to all who need it to be armed with the knowledge and wisdom of what happened here and what they could do. It will be a different attack of course but the human consciousness of love will ultimately win. It comes with much suffering and learning to get there but it’s possible to get out ahead of them and be the ones ready.
You are absolutely spot on Jamie! Keen to discuss sustainable communities and also potential involvement with global health organization.
Hydroxychloriqueen was given to my mate with rumatrude arthritis. Which is a auto immune disease…. much like alpeicia… which is cause by Radiation exposure !! Do the math ! Everyone missing the fly in the room….. 5 G !!
Always appreciate your truth stories. I’ve not vaccinated any of my children and they are 23, 17 and 14, very healthy, robust boys. I’m not about to advocate vaccination for Covid now!!! I literally am gobsmacked why anyone would want it. The boys dad has had the vaccine, total faith in it, that also worries me, will he croak it because of it?? I work on evidence based facts, were being played like a fucking fiddle here. I refuse the vaccine and I will not allow my children to get vaccinated either! This is fucking scary and we need to unite. ❤️
My doctor told me Covid attacks your organs , is that true ? I ended up in a debate with him that it’s just like a bad flu.
Have you looked into CRISPR and the transhuman agenda? www.2045.com Avatars are the goal synthetic copies of ourselves for IMMORTALITY. Seems to coincide with the “Wo2020060606” patent for cryptocurrecy mining by humans (modern day slavery) combine that with immortality and we are stuck here as slaves @mcintyrejamie
How do people see a vaccine made in a few months for covid(bad flu) when they couldn’t make a vaccine for the common flu!
Brilliant. The good-hearted people will be the demise of us all.