What the best case, most likely and worst-case scenario humanity is facing
By Jamie McIntyre
With over 2 billion vaccinated and less then 60 days from the Globalists achieving critical mass of future depopulation targets from bs 19 vaxx death and injury that will be blamed on Bs 19 or mutant strains what’s likely to happen ?
Here’s what others had to say:
Jamie I received an email early on in this shit show (2020) and Tony was promoting Vxxxxx with some company. I unfollowed him, as he should know what’s going on, has he changed his tune?
WHO changed their verbiage NOT recommending children under 18 get the jab. It’s a start
We are rising! 🔥🙌 Creating a new world. No back to “normal”.
Who here is a single parent and co parents and is planning to decline this evil jab but is worried the child’s father/mother and household WILL take it….??? And it’s not even possible to be 15 metres away from the vaccinated…to me we are all screwed….I can’t stop my son from seeing his father but I feel torn. Who else??
Thx for always speaking the truth. Sending prayers from Texas. 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Most scary video you made so far brother 😢and it’s all true 😕
But just because it’s aWHO recommendation, it doesn’t mean the countries will stop the vaccinations.
The ambulance service is stretched massively at the moment – all vaccine related i can imagine. The censorship barrier is slowly gunna give way as more people die, but by then it will be way too late for 80% of the population
Thank you so much for sharing, extremely important, get the word out and get prepared!
F**ing hell I’m terrified and yes it feels highly likely what you say… They have played this out so well.. 🤯😫😵
Even if we did go to war with them, we would outnumber them however they’re much more organised than us and have access to weapons that we wouldn’t have known existed.
How does the spark protein spread from a vaccinated person to a nonvaccinated person?
This is terrifying ☹️no politicians in England have seen the light yet! X
This is so depressing. What a world to raise children in 😢😢
Always said so Jamie. Thank you for all you do 🙌🏽💙
Thank you for your podcasts and perspective!! It’s spot on as far as “ saying and calling “ it out for what it is!!!
Sharing and sharing as always.. people need to hear the truth. Whether they like it or not. 🙏🙏🙏🙏
So scary and what about all the kids at school being around the teachers all day who have been jabbed ?? 😢😢 so worrying 😣 what will happen to them ??