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What Do You Think of Ever Growing Push of Vax Extremism and Vax Terrorism by the Globalists and Their Dodgy Propaganda Media Partners?


What Do You Think of Ever Growing Push of Vax Extremism and Vax Terrorism by the Globalists and Their Dodgy Propaganda Media Partners?

By Jamie McIntyre

What do you think of the ever-growing push of vaccine extremism and vaccine terrorism by the Globalists and their dodgy propaganda media partners?

What should we do with these dangerous vaccine death denier’s?

An ever-growing threat to the survival of humanity.

They like to pretend vaccine death and injury don’t exist despite the dead piling up ad seriously injured left dying at home as most Doctors ignore them or refuse to see them as vaccine injuries or death is inconvenient. And in most cases refuse to accept it’s from the vaccines as it makes them look bad to have to report it. Especially as the Govt wants the numbers kept low to keep the lie that vaccine adverse reaction is minor.

They like to pretend it’s a minor issue to jeep selling the death shot – those that die, often their relatives are coerced, bullied, intimated or some counties arrested if they speak out.
(A single death should be an issue let alone 500,000 Covid vaccine estimated deaths and 50 million adverse reactions – 50% seriously- tracking for over 100 million by Xmas and 1 billion within 3 years).

Covid vaccine death deniers are the greatest threat to humanity.

Here’s what others had to say:

Corrina Lindkvist
The UK government’s agenda/road map or whatever you want to call it is a fine read. Page 10 point no 32 is not hiding anything

Peter Bramhall
Chris Maric
Did you see that washed up Hollywood actor Michael rappoport? He is a full blown supporter, but I’ve just seen a video that he did on tiktok where he whinged that Fauci now says the jabbed can spread. He looked bewildered and then told them to sort their shit out. If a die hard like that can be rattled, maybe the screws really are loosening up for it to all come crashing down?

Monday Yohana
First pandemic in history where the population is growing.

Clare Jay
We should not have to wait for many deaths arising from vaccination here in Australia before people start to think – already I know of people who have had serious health issues and an odd mix of symptoms following vaccination. …..I try to encourage people to think about the moves they are making – and try to make them think for themselves instead of blindly following.

Pan Demic
So many fools still sleeping, they will bring this country to its knees.

Original Source

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