Watch as the Covid scammers try their latest ways to get u to kill yourself.
Don’t buy the Bs 19 fraud.
Watch as Sco Mo and other moron politicians try and scam you, your granny and your kids into participating in a deadly vaccine cult and effectively take your life over a “Man Flu” (created by two half men Gates and Fauci in a Wuhan lab – the longest lasting Made in China product so far).
Here’s what others had to say:
Unfortunately we’re not battling just the establishment of oppression but also our fellow peers who have been indoctrinated to believe everything the government says.
Geez I loved this rant! You are the best Jamie!
I have no idea who you are I just stumbled upon this from another story but you are definitely my new best friend.
We say NO to Medical Tyranny!! We say NO to forced vaccination with an experimental drug!
People are dying of this dangerous experimental jab and it’s absolutely heartbreaking and the adverse reactions are not being reported!!’ God help us. This needs to be scrapped ASAP.
Absolutely true in what you say.
Thanks Jamie love your work 👍🏻💯
Your the best.
Hey Jamie. You’ve called out Branson and Schwarzenegger. It’s time to call out Trump. He is the worst Vax salesman and won’t let it go. He keeps pushing and pushing.
Alot of us feel your pain lol… People in the UK are so desperate they have succumb like children in a sweet shop although there is a movement now people are waking up… Its never too late. The latest tactic is to say the Indian variant is rife in areas of the uk where there is a high Asian population as their update of the V is low to entice them by saying that the scheduled opening up of the national lockdown will be delayed. They even had a no symptoms testing bus going around Liverpool… God help us all.
😆 Love the rant! Keeping it real as always Jamie🙏🏽
👏👏 You’re absolutely correct we need to fight back and not take their shit people to need to stop drinking the Kool-Aid!! People, please don’t give in resist the jab!!!
My favourite post you’ve done. Keep doing you bro. Absolutely love it. Xx
I used to think C19 is just a “flue”. Now i think it’s got to do with chemtrails and poisoning from the air. Now many unvak people are reporting adverse reactions from being close to the vaks ones. There’s more to it than just a “flue”