Vaxx Extremism That Is Pushed Hard by the Media’ of Course, Will and Is Leading to Violence Against the Unvaxinated
By Jamie McIntyre
Vaccine extremism that is pushed hard by the media’ of course, will and is leading to violence against the unvaccinated –
This is how badly programmed some are
The idiot box might as well be a form of Mk Ultra.
And of course threatening to shoot anyone who doesn’t line up like a mind controlled zombie to take the experimental shot wouldn’t go against Facebook community standards clearly.
But reporting Covid deaths and injuries died of people murdered by the vaccines does.
Here’s what others had to say:
Alexis East
How can all of the unvaccinated protect themselves from being around the vaccinated? Is there anything we can do to reduce the impact of the exposure from their spike proteins etc.? Lots of water, Fulvic Acid… Anything else? Also, can they take anything to help themselves?
Angie T Keogh
A purposefully created divide
Alexis East
Very sad 😔 No emotional intelligence.
Pearly Imbuido Gardiner
Unreal amd they arent CENSORED …
Jon Geoghegan
It took 18 months to get to the point where hysterical germophobes are not only begging for experimental jabs, they ha e been convinced its people who won’t take the experiment that are responsible for their phobia, and they are sub human.
Jon Geoghegan
It is getting dark out there. The more fearful these idiots get the more easily brainwashed and dangerous they will become.
Shannon Blanch
Don’t worry all these idiots will be either dead or debilitated.
Lisa Maree
Disgusting hope they die of first from all the boosters they will be to sick to kill anyone hopefully