This isn’t the first time this fraudulent industry has tried to falsify a pandemic from a normal flu strain.
By Jamie McIntyre
Note I’m re pro safe, effective and necessary vaccines that are double-blind placebo tested. Until that occurs there should be a moratorium on all vaccines for 5 years. I bet $1 million there will never ever be a safe and effective and necessary COVID Vaccine. I thank the brave doctors and scientists that sent key data to the 6 years ago which woke me up to the massive and ongoing fraud of the vaccine industry and their plans back then to create mandatory vaccines to boost sales from $59 billion pa today to past $100 billion pa up from just $5 billion in 2002 and just $169 million pa in 1986 when the industry got exemption from killing or injuring you or your child. I wrote a book with the help of many Doctors called the which you can also get for free at the for free. I warned years ago what this industry was up to and that the in 2010 a European Parliamentary Motion was passed warning the Drug companies (vaccine makers) had dangerous levels of influence over the WHO and had got caught out trying to hype a “normal flu strain” in South America into a Global Pandemic (to rip hundreds of billions of taxpayers and force mandatory vaccinations and to achieve their conspired sales targets)