Te lie vision – do real pandemic have to pay actors?
Here’s what others had to say:
peaxefrog_ (Wrennat)
I’ve never understood how the actors and crew cannot comprehend they are contributing to evil anf their own enslavement…???
littlebighere (vaughn montgomery)
where is the footage from ? could easily be from a tv show or something.
jodie__sz (Jodies Angelic Hair)
If it was so real wouldn’t need a video of actors to sell it wake up #sheeplenomore I want my life back.
sam7_8877 (sam)
Do they think we are this dumb?🐏
Funny but bloody true.
buzzy_lizzy_crafts (Asta)
Wow please can people wake up faster.
info.psurgery (Plastic Surgery Information)
I wonder what they are going to tell Our Lord Jesus when they have to “justify” this actions against humanity🧐