Take the Bs Jab and you’re a selfish moron selling humanity down the drain
By Jamie McIntyre
The next 90 days will determine humanities fate – everyone who takes the jab is a victory to the criminal globalists – every one that you stop taking it is a victory to humanity – this is war and their weapon of choice is the Bs 19 vaxx – will humanity awaken in time to save itself – 150,000 deaths deleted from Vaers – that’s just in the Us alone www.anrnews.com
Here’s what others had to say:
The video is terrible…insta seem to be blocking your voice..
I think they’re screwing with the video can’t play it properly
How can I watch the live jaimie had on here and hour ago. It froze as well?
Freezes… the tech gods are onto you @mcintyrejamie2
I can’t watch it either
Can you please redo the video?
mcintyrejamie2 (Jamie McIntyre)
My team will add it to Australian National Review.