Stop conforming to our illegitimate Governments directives
Stop conforming to our illegitimate Governments directives
Conformity is for losers- for human slaves – you are neither so simply don’t conform or follow directives from bs 19 fraudsters
Here’s what others had to say:
😂😂😂 Lost count of the f-word. Love it❤️❤️❤️❤️
nat_p__ (Natalie P)
this post literally made my day! Laughed so much. Jamie you’re a legend! 🤣
mermaidsophiamarie (Mermaid Sophia Marie)
Yep, they can go fuck themselves! Love it!
anitaandthescarf (AC)
Hey Jamie, wow a REAL man!!! Speaking REAL truth everything totally summed up!!💯💯💯 thank you 🔥
christinawarren641 (Christina Warren)
Go Jamie!! Tell it like it is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.!
xloganv (Logan-V / Wolverine)
💪💪👊👊 Exactly! fk yeah!!