Stop complying- compliance equals supporting the Cov fraud
By Staff Reporter
Here’s what others had to say:
Yes, as I look around and see all those who are wearing masks I just think about the world I want to wake up in. Free to make my own choices. For my family, my son, the generations to come.
Chris Sky (on Telegram now) said this early last year. He was looking into politics recently too.
Can’t argue with that – spot on
Well said, exactly how it is!
Canadian freedom fighter Canada is as fuct as The power is within us and looking around at Canada… the majority rolled over and are under a twisted dreamspell of propaganda mind control. God help us all.
Australians no different
This guy has hit the nail on the head….. wake up world!!!
Many of us knew this way back.
Reiner fuellmich announces prosecution of the globalists and everyone involved in the covid phoney pandemic hoax, arrest prosecution moves closer!
Dr Reiner Fuellmich is very credible in the interview on You Tube – everyone needs to watch this brave man taking on the tyrants of the world.
I never felt so intelligent than 2021 cause when i see how ridiculous and brainwashed the mass population can be 😂Dr Bill is right about the overpopulation we are definitely overpopulated by idiots brainless morons sheep.