Our Freedoms Will Only Come Back When Enough People Say No to the Jab
By Jamie McIntyre
Well done to those saying no to the co ercion, peer pressure, bullying, intimidation, threats, lies, bribery by vaccine extremists to join the death cult herd.
Don’t be a weak minded sell out that believes the idiot box.
We just need to hit a 70% threshold of Australians, to say no to the jab. Then we can reach a herd immunity from the Covid bullshit, falsified pandemic, and end this fraud
Our freedoms will only come back when enough people say no to the jab.
No to lockdowns.
And yes to jailing the Covid fraudsters.
The governments globally, including Australia, can’t show evidence the Sars2 Covid virus even exists , as court actions are showing and freedom of information requests are highlighting.
Anyone that says yes to the jab is selfish clearly watches the idiot box with idiot box presenters and idiot Health ministers and is selling out our country.
Plus they will become dangerous super-spreaders of actual spike proteins in the deadly experimental drugs disguised as a vaccine.
Have courage and say to vaccine extremism and deadly vaccine propaganda pushed by pathetic vaccine extremists.
Say no to the rushed to market, unproven, unnecessary, ineffective, dangerous and deadly, untested,fraudulent, insane, ludicrous, poisonous global medical Experiment disguised as a vaccine.
Here’s what others had to say:
Emma Westbrook
I don’t think the odds are in your favour. More than half the population has received at least one dose…so over 50% will be fully vaccinated very soon.
Half of my 1800+ FB friends are at least partially vaccinated. Next minute you’ll be telling me that the government is hacking their profiles to post false information.
Lisa O’neil
It always has been and always will be a NO from me
Amalia Marley Viceconte
I thought most people would have woken up to smell the coffee by now!
How do these idiots tie their own shoe laces.
Sherika Keeley
I say no to this poison and will go to my grave without it.