Make it hard for these Globalists to kill us with their bs 19 vax.
Make it hard for these m… f .. Globalists to kill us with their bs 19 vax
Here’s what others had to say:
Love your work Jamie ! You are an angel disguised as a human being 💙🙏🏻🌎
I love listening to your rants! Makes my day!
You’re the best.
Jamie you are a LEGEND 👏👏👏thank you!!!!
I’m glad there are people who are expressing the TRUTH behind covid. Its a crime against humanity and world wide genocide.
That’s BS. Majority of the people had the covid so we are immune to it. This needs to stop. What they are doing is to get to the mark of the beast where we have to do numbers on our wrists. It’s got to stop.
I’m in the US and everyday posting about Australia and Canada. Y’all are in the same headlock. We’re next if we don’t fight.
Its too far now. I dont even have words.
Victoria needs a new government.
No other words Jamie…TRUTH….your a LEGEND ❤️
The incentives they are considering if this doesn’t make one think 🤔 alarm bells shit then I don’t know what to say.
Great video today. 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Bro love your insight honestly thank you.
Jez Jamie, every time you do a video, world goes around the family..”did you see Jamies latest video”. Gold pure gold. Gold Coast this Saturday March against Mandated Vaccines. Already organising our day.. thanks Jamie, you are awe inspiring…
Love your work jamie 100 percent correct sheeps are still asleep.