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Living in Denial of the New Reality Will Only Allow the Globalists To Murder More of Us


Living in Denial of the New Reality Will Only Allow the Globalists To Murder More of Us

By Jamie McIntyre

“I’m hearing intell , the Greater Brisbane lockdown will be extended by another 7 days…and Eastern seaboard 3 months in order to coerce vaccine uptake.
Source is in the Qld police.”

Possibly unreliable in the sense they plan locking us done for years,not just days or months.

Until people make it very clear, under no circumstances will we ever take a Covid vaccine and if the rushed to market, unnecessary, ineffective, dangerous and deadly, untested, unproven Global Medical Experiment. And if the Covid fraud and the lockdowns aren’t ended immediately, we will deem it an act of war ,and a foreign take over of our country, and prepare the resistance accordingly.

But whilst ever they know there is enough weaker minded souls amongst us, that will fall for there lies “ the vaccine is the only path back to normal “ when it’s the path to depopulating the planet ( $ 1 million challenge I’ve offered if anyone thinks I’m wrong ) then these lockdowns will continue .

Comply to these Covid fraudsters, then kiss your life and future goodbye.
Either way the resistance must prepare and assume the Government is now operating under foreign orders, no longer represents the people ( same for all nations ) and prepare to defend our countries.

Living in denial of the new reality will only allow the Globalists to murder more of us
43 million deaths shots injected daily globally , around 54,000 per day.

Check out exactly how many dead and injured already.
We are months away from the beginning of the collapse of western civilisation.
It’s the calm before the storm.

Waste this precious time or prepare.
If we don’t stop this mass genocide sooner then later then history will judge us as cowards and sheep.
Start preparing and decide.

Are you going to join the resistance or listen to your friends with more degrees and brains and continue to support the Covid fraudsters
Your choice
Your life
Your future

Break away areas in many countries are being considered to take back our world.
Facist book is already blocking the websites to this and Our World Coin launched to fund the resistance – what are they so scared of ?

A well organised , self funded , resistance is what they fear.
Are you in or are you going to side with the Covid fraudsters. The consequences are significant.

Here’s what others had to say:

Sharon Deviney Matthews
WAPol have leaked that Perth will be this month, schools notified to be prepared. Aren’t we told ‘cases’ are determined from tests, not planned weeks in advance?

Laura Antonia
And WA will be locked on the 14th

Johnny JCproperty
Can most of the sheep please go and get vaccinated so the rest of us with the brains can get on with our lives

Simon J Robinson
This country and government have been foreign since before the whitlem days and yes this is a war

Original Source

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