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Let’s have a National Jab your politician with a new COVID vaccine day


Let’s have a National Jab your politician with a new COVID vaccine day.

By Jamie McIntyre


Anyone that agrees to take the future Covid vaccine pushed by the Government is effectively doing a disservice to themselves and our nation and will ensure their children and grandchildren pay a serious price.

Stupidity has consequences.

Let’s force those politicians pushing it to take them all.

But no fake press conference Vaccine injections like the Qld Premier did a few months ago pretending to get the flu jab.

Let the voters each inject the politicians with these so called safe and effective and necessary vaccine’s into these gutless cowards.
Let’s test their conviction if they really, really believe the vaccine will be 100% safe and effective.

Let’s inject them.
A national jab your politician day with the new vaccines they are all spruiking.

No jab no pay for politicians unless they allow us to jab them with these vaccines and the dozens of new ones coming to your child’s vaccine schedule they will also push upon us.

No jab no job

No jab no travel

No jab no restaurant entry

No jab no play

Let see how these politicians like some of there own Medicine.

If they don’t agree to us injecting them.

Let’s forcibly inject our politicians.
That’s what they intend doing to your kids.

Then let’s make them line up each of their children and family.

And have them forcibly vaccinated.

Let’s see if they like it.
Let’s see if they really believe in the vaccine propaganda they spruik.

Let them sacrifice their own children first before they sacrifice yours

It’s only fair.

It’s called leadership

It’s call speaking the truth.

If they are safe then sure we’ll soon find out.

If their not we will wipe out the gutless politicians who lie to the people that elected them why they take bribes from the Vaccine industry and waste billions of our money funding Gates and his vaccine cronies

Did you know you can legally murder someone in Australia?

Just use a vaccine to inject someone.

You can’t be charged for murder as the Govt states they are 100% safe and effective.

By all means take one if you feel somehow it is in your best interest.

But just maybe do years of research before you decide to.
As any educated person about vaccine fraud and with intelligence won’t take the soon-to-be pushed Covid vaccines.

If you believe in science you’d never take the vaccine. The vaccine industry is a religion not science and a fraudulent one at that.

Maybe research the so-called “Spanish flu” to while you’re at it.

Governments have a habit of killing people and covering it up by labelling things a “Conspiracy theory”.

Or maybe we should just accept the Government conspiracy it was. “Spanish flu” that killed 50 million people without any evidence and research what really killed 50 million people and how they covered it up to once again deceive a to trusting public scared of being called “a conspiracy theorist”.

Google 1976 60 minutes Swine Flu expose 60 minutes to also see these vaccine scams in action and how they forcibly vaccinated Americans killing and injuring many.

Then by all means vaccinate yourself and your kids but don’t dare push dangerous and deadly and untested and unnecessary drugs on parents children or elderly.

Such drug spruiking should be a criminal offence.

If you have commonsense you wouldn’t take the Covid vaccine as for one if your healthy why would you risk such a dangerous medical intervention for something a vaccine will kill more than the Covid ever can (and Covid has to inflate deaths to even kill many – plus Covid vaccine deaths will be also labelled as Covid deaths and used to sell more of the Covid Vaccine which will be more labelled as vaccine deaths and the cycle repeats – this is how the industry works already – spin vaccine death as killed by the disease, to sell more of the product causing deaths).

Fortunately polls show 65-70% don’t want the Covid Vaccine.

So the majority is finally awake.
That’s cause for celebration.

However, there are consequences if you allow those in power to dictate to you.

And I will not live under a dictator.

Will you?

We may not have guns for our army since they de armed Australia in advance.

But we will soon have vaccines.

The perfect weapon to eliminate the real virus’s.

Dictator politicians and there vaccine cronies.

Let the games begin.

Let’s have a National jab your politician day.

After all it’s for the greater good.

We must get 95% of more politicians to agree to sign up for “Jab your politician day otherwise all politicians payments must cease”.

The National Jab your politician with Covid Vaccine Day will be proudly brought to you in 2021 by the

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