Labor Wants Government To Give $300 to Every Australian That’s Fully Vaxinated Against BS 19
By Staff Reporter
The Australian Labor Party thinks your life is worth only $300.
Sure to be a vote winner.
There are some cheap bastards in this world.
Then again you almost had me at 2 Krispy Kreme donuts and Bunnings sausage. But now you are sounding a bit desperate.
Maybe tell Bill Gates and the Rockefeller morons that they need better marketing – this only works on dumb schmucks.
Here’s what others had to say:
Sean Grey Ablez
Retarded they sound almost desperate.. Politics needs a massive kick in the pants with Independents and non bipartisan, lobby free politics for the people back in the people’s representative mode once more.
Tom Smausey
Jamie McIntyre Shows how desperate they are getting and running out off time before the one’s Vax before March should be dropping like Flys!!
Joey Sammak
Well done Jamie McIntyre
I wouldn’t do it for 1000,000.
Mary Mccarrick
Definitely would not. Could be dead the next day and missed out on $300.00. WOULDNT do it for any amount of money.
Margot Hays
No no no. I wouldn’t roll up my sleeve for one million dollars either.
Tristan Leon
Could give me a reach around and a mid strength beer I still won’t want your covid jab shit
Marit Rae Kana
I wouldn’t roll up my sleeve for any amount of money.
Trudell Clark
If it’s so bloody good, let all the pollies have it, without the cap on tip.
Wayne Bordieri
Noooooo Chance not even for a Crispy Dohnut.
Diana Trpcevski
Its like desperate junkies that will suck off anyone for their next hit… bottle of the barrell
Jason Anderson
$450 to take the Fraudulent test but only $300 for the Clot Shot. My maths ain’t great but something doesn’t add up here.
Horton Cribb
Lets start spreading our own , everyone who sees this comment add Me as a friend. We stand taller in numbers. Lets beat them. At their own game. Everyone on Jamie McIntyre list add me , then let’s branch out from there. Makes sense ? Then everyone add each other, our master will be Jamie but let’s all add each other as if to say we are infected with saving our country.