Join Australian National Review Interactive Citizen Journalist Telegram Thread to Get the Latest Intell.
Join our interactive citizen Journalist Telegram thread to get the latest intell and to help defeat mainstream media and their support of the Bs 19 fraud. Also see My days are numbered on Instagram. If this account is deleted there is mcintyrejamie2 set up. If it wasn’t for independent media exposing the fraud we would already have lost to the Globalists and their coup and their totalitarian agendas such as the “Great Reset”. All these things were once just a crazy conspiracy theory the fake mainstream news told us – yet they now are all proven to be true. Be asleep or distracted or busy with your life and neglecting how the world works and who maybe trying to take it over and impose their will upon you and your children can and will be deadly. Awaken your friends or say goodbye to them. Opt in at to be updated as the coming chaos and world upheaval and economic collapse occurs. Having access to the truth is the only thing that may save you and your family. Don’t leave it to late to prepare. God bless.