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Israel is Not a Christian State so Why Should Christians Support It?


Israel is Not a Christian State, so Why Should Christians Support It?

It’s one of the most agnostic nations on the planet, highly racist, and deeply perverted.

There is absolutely nothing Godly about it and the Rothschild’s, Israel’s Founders, are hardly the “chosen ones”. They are “fake Jews”, even.

Israel’s was founded and is controlled by Satanist’s – this is well evidenced.

What business do Christians have supporting such evil ?

Were they fooled by a rewritten bible to misled billions of Christian’s to support Israel

Is that why the Rothschild’s had the bible re-written and spread throughout America ?

Should we stand with known satanists that mass slaughter men, women and children, who funded and started Hamas and ISIS, commit terrorist acts and start Wars Globally?

I think we all know the answer.

We either oppose their NWO and One World Government Agenda, to be based out of Israel.

Or we support our own enslavement.

Choose wisely.


Original Source

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