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McIntyre Report Political Talk Show

The Vladimir Putin Interview

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Imagine a depopulation plan so diabolical and so perfect, you could literally pull it off without 90% of the herd even knowing what was going on


Imagine a depopulation plan so diabolical and so perfect, you could literally pull it off without 90% of the herd even knowing what was going on.

By Jamie McIntyre


Here’s what others had to say: 

justinewain (Juss)

I can’t believe what I’m seeing… WW3 and no one knows it.. we’ll hardly anyone

forfoxrox (Roxana Musgrave)

People we love will die due to the jab. It is happening already and people are asleep at the the wheel.

dcsoo7 (Dan)

Imagine not being scared of a little sniffle but not scared of untested poison that causes blood clots and the rest…


Hard to “like” this, but I absolutely agree. My older children were fooled and I find I’m fearing for their safety as I did when they were babies.


Such a terrible time to be alive and watch


We have all been dying on our own accord since the beginning of time. And we will continue to kill ourselves with ignorance.


In Poland they are coming to people’s homes that haven’t had the vaccine and forcing people to have it this is coming to Australia soon wake up before it’s to late 🤦‍♂️


They’re defending why the v doesn’t work 100% 😂 🤯 U can’t even have a real debate when they don’t believe the govt and big pharma are just cash grabbing entities. Ethics and moral standards are just a facade.


That idea is all well and good but what happens when the jabbed start dropping like flies?

Original Source

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