The Bs 19 Fraud Continues and More Die As a Result Daily
By Jamie McIntyre
Here’s what others had to say:
Marcus Loumbas
Jamie why do not we use our brain and technology to make this possible. I have some ideas.
Jennifer Schultz
Only whiners get offended by swear words. Spend your energy complaining where it matters. Even God didn’t make the swear word list.
Ingrid Challenor
My mother has been violently vomiting ever since her first vaccine.
Natalie Surie
Ha ha I said to my husband I kinda feel weird when I see a masculine man walking alone with a mask on lol
Simon O’Carroll
I think I may have covid right now. I have all the symptoms no cough no sniffle and I feel completely fine.
Pie Fauchelle
I read that they predicted an expected 300,000 deaths from the 💉 and that apparently is an expected acceptable amount.
Sharon van Zuilecom
all true, strategic plan yrs ago..they have gas lighted us big time!
Melanie Becker
Had to have my first frikken cv test yesterday as in hotel quarantine to move into QLD.. lined my nose with Vicks beforehand so they a lump of vicks to analise.
Katie Kerr
I walk past guys masked up and literally say “grow some”….!!!
Sharon van Zuilecom
there not gonna end…they will play their plan out til the end
Jennifer Tillman
I agree completely yet these people are so blinded and brainwashed I can’t even understand how they are just playing along at this point.
Zell Crawford
I never thought i would ever see this. And i bought 6 kids into this crazy fucked up world. Im so sad. I had a great childhood now my kids have got mountains to worry about.