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HUGE! 97% Of Indefinitely Confined Ballots Were Fake In Wisconsin -Confirmed Matt Braynard!


HUGE! 97% Of Indefinitely Confined Ballots Were Fake In Wisconsin -Confirmed Matt Braynard!

By Addison Wilson

Matt Braynard wants to expose the fraud done in the 2020 Presidential election.

Are you serious, 97%?

Of course, they could have reached 100%. It’d be all right?

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In 2020 many states faced election and voter fraud, including Arizona, Wisconsin, Georgia, Pennsylvania, etc.

One guy paid $500,000,000 for lockboxes!

I have one fundamental question, how can someone vote without an ID?

Trump described it the best, like how can we vote without an ID, “Even Mexico uses voter ID.”

Due to voting without ID, people who are dead for a couple of decades still vote!

Take a look at the tweets below.



PR Newswire reported about Project Amistad on Wisconsin election integrity.

”The Amistad Project, the leading election integrity watchdog, announced today that it is filing a formal complaint filed with the Wisconsin Election Commission on behalf of five Green Bay residents who allege that city officials allowed private activist groups to control significant aspects of the 2020 elections, including ballot “curing” and vote counting.

“Hundreds of millions of dollars purchased local election offices in 2020 to benefit one political candidate, paying salaries of election officials and literally dictating the manner in which the election should be managed,” said Phill Kline, Director of The Amistad Project.  “Evidence in Green Bay proves this shadow government ran the election and now it is time those involved come clean.”

“This is about safeguarding future elections and establishing the precedent that private corporations and tech oligarchs should not be calling the shots,” said Erick Kaardal, special counsel for The Amistad Project. “Wisconsin law puts city clerks in charge of administering elections at the local level, yet internal emails show that Green Bay’s city clerk was boxed out by the mayor’s office, which handed over the keys to the counting room to Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein, a representative of the leftist National Vote at Home Institute (NVHI) and a long-time Democratic Party operative.”

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Also, The Center Square reported on the same issue.

”Wisconsin lawmakers spent Wednesday at the Capitol looking to close the gaps from last fall’s election.

The Wisconsin Senate approved four pieces of legislation that Sen. Duey Strobel, R-Saukville, said will make it easier to vote and more difficult to cheat in the state.

“We must restore confidence and trust in our elections, and these bills are the first step in doing that,” Stroebel said.

One of the plans, which provides more protections for poll workers, is from Sen. Alberta Darling, R-River Hills.

The others are all Stroebel’s, including:

SB 213 expands enforcement options for election law violations by giving the courts a direct path in election challenges, not just the Wisconsin Election Commission. The plan also allows prosecutors in neighboring counties to investigate election complaints in adjacent counties.

SB 208 increases transparency at the Wisconsin Elections Commission by requiring the online publication of the Commission’s meeting minutes.

SB 207 clarifies the rules in Wisconsin dealing with outside money and its use in the state’s election administration.”

Original Source

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