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How Many Must Die or Be Injured From the Cov Vax Before It’s Stopped?


How Many Must Die or Be Injured From the Cov Vax Before It’s Stopped?

By Jamie McIntyre

50 million (injured so far – 500,000 to 1 million deaths is best estimate if you times the recorded deaths by 10 – being conservative considering Harvard Studies have shown only 1% get reported on average.)
100 million, 1 billion, or 7.4 billion to leave only half a billion mostly slaves left for the elite?

It’s not a trick question either

How many proven deaths from bs 19 so far

A big fat zero.

Still waiting to prove the 4 million claimed.

CDC even admitted into 6% died of Covid but that 6% provide no conclusive proof it wants just the flu.

Here’s what others had to say:

Percy Harley
Spare a thought for NZ citizens in the Tokelau Islands. Ross Ardern (yes her father) is the Administrator.

Halina K. Wis
“The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic.” – Josef Stalin

Bob MacNeill
I see a lot of doctors speaking out against these death shots.
I don’t see any other doctors apposing them unless they are on government pay roll.
What do they have to gain by lying ?
It’s called treason.
This government needs to go so we can save this great country

Bob MacNeill
I see a lot of doctors speaking out against these death shots.
I don’t see any other doctors apposing them unless they are on government pay roll.
What do they have to gain by lying ?
It’s called treason.
This government needs to go so we can save this great country.

Percy Harley
Percy Harley
Percy Harley

Original Source

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