How Many Must Die or Be Injured From the Cov Vax Before It’s Stopped?
By Jamie McIntyre
50 million (injured so far – 500,000 to 1 million deaths is best estimate if you times the recorded deaths by 10 – being conservative considering Harvard Studies have shown only 1% get reported on average.)
100 million, 1 billion, or 7.4 billion to leave only half a billion mostly slaves left for the elite?
It’s not a trick question either
How many proven deaths from bs 19 so far
A big fat zero.
Still waiting to prove the 4 million claimed.
CDC even admitted into 6% died of Covid but that 6% provide no conclusive proof it wants just the flu.
Here’s what others had to say:
Percy Harley
Spare a thought for NZ citizens in the Tokelau Islands. Ross Ardern (yes her father) is the Administrator.
Halina K. Wis
“The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic.” – Josef Stalin
Bob MacNeill
I see a lot of doctors speaking out against these death shots.
I don’t see any other doctors apposing them unless they are on government pay roll.
What do they have to gain by lying ?
It’s called treason.
This government needs to go so we can save this great country
Bob MacNeill
I see a lot of doctors speaking out against these death shots.
I don’t see any other doctors apposing them unless they are on government pay roll.
What do they have to gain by lying ?
It’s called treason.
This government needs to go so we can save this great country.