Dodgy Jane Hansen, famous drug spruiker doing a paid for advertorial for money received by the Australian Government to push ba 19 vaxx propaganda on Skynews.
Dodgy Jane Hansen, famous drug spruiker doing a paid for advertorial for money received by the Australian Government to push Bs 19 vaxx propaganda on Skynews right now. For anyone that wants to see a despicable person who has covered up vaxx death and injury for decades.
She’s a liar and traitor to Australian’s but for $100k year salary she’s happy to sell her soul.
I mean to push drugs on innocent babies or the elderly vulnerable is as low as it gets.
They even deny the massive deaths and injuries caused by vaxx’s.
If you believe in Science you can’t believe in Bs 19 vaxx
You would have to believe in vaxx religion and refuse to listen to the hundreds of thousands of Doctors and Scientists speaking out about the dangers of a Bs 19 vaxx and the excessive hype over Bs 19 to falsify a Global Pandemic and believe in mainstream media conspiracy theories
There is No level these miserable souls won’t stoop to influence your loved ones to take a deadly unproven, untested, unnecessary, deadly and dangerous vaxx as part of a Global medical experiment.
They are also trying to spin you must be a hippy and believe in conspiracies theories to question bs 19 vaxx’s.
And then try and discredit Andrew Wakefield by more lies and deceit.
Autism is the mildest issue vaxx cause compared to what the Bs 19 vaxx will cause.
And Paul all for profit who they use as a poster boy against anti vaxx makes money from his vaxx royalties (go figure)
Shame on Skynews for pushing such conspiracy theories trying to scare people into taking such a deadly untested drug and Ofer a falsified pandemic.
I feel sorry for those dumb enough to take a Bs 19 vaxx but we all have the ability to see through bs or fall for it.
Any maybe less dumb humans on the planet may bring benifits.
Just don’t push dodgy drugs on others.
Don’t believe anyone
Go do your own research and decide if you need to and should allow such an untested poison be injected into you
And ask them to give you a written guarantee it’s safe and effective
72% of all polio cases on the planet right now are guess what ?
From Bill Gates dodgy polio vaxx’s
Well done Billy boy for eradicating polio.
People like Jane Hansen will be on their death bed one day and have to face the harsh relief of how many people they influenced to take dodgy drugs or parents to let their innocent babies be drugged or their elderly parents
All for how much Jane
$100,000 a year job
Your mum must be so proud of you
And Samoa
They killed innocent babies with vaxx’s
Then cover it up
Is their any thing the vaxx Industry does that isn’t a lie ?
Here’s what others had to say:
1. Mansueto Briffa
You right Jamie when you said that Jane Hansen sold her soul for money she should be ashamed . Shame
2. Mohsin Malik
Millions of people told to stay home and be in quarantine after tested positive. They got recovered without any vaccines or treatment but media/Heath professionals won’t show their stories or their recovery or even discuss what did they do at home?
3. Marie Tsipiras
Where will adverse reactions be reported in Australia? The US has the CDC Will we be aware or they’ll bury each death as covid as usual.
4. Kerrie Cook
I’m still waiting for her to interview parents with vaxx-injured children….yeah, like that’ll happen.
5. Gail Ashton
Watched a bit but had to turn it off sky’s lost me now.
6. Lisa Marie Dawson
Never again sky news
7. Nikki Ayden
Sad time in history I just hope we all stand together and fight for our life’s coz satan and his army are going to be taking over humanity god bless us all.
8. Shane Quinn
They’ve lost me Sky News after this. Pathetic shills.