Corrupt Politicians will be exposed over the falsified pandemic and the truth will be told regardless of intimidation.
And censoring won’t stop the truth reaching the surface but it will cause irreparable damage to mainstream media.
And we must demand independent proof to show a single person has died of Covid.
Not because we might not believe some haven’t (actually we already know over 90% recorded as Coronavirus deaths in fact died from 2-3 other major comorbidities. And Covid, in most cases, had zero to do with it – yet they keep repeating the lie 1 million have died from Covid. When almost all of them died of other causes and had little to nothing to do with Covid, but let’s not let basic facts get in the way of a political agenda now shall we.) but because it’s prudent to see evidence especially as we can no longer trust our media or Governments to speak the truth.
Surely they would never object to being fact-checked now would they?
And then is it an isolated coronavirus that people have solely died from or a collection of coronavirus flue’s lobbed together to boost the death rate or even normal regular flu deaths even included to further boost the death rates (they did this with the Aids scam, including both Gates and Fauci who learnt back then how to lie with statistics)
And if it can be isolated which it hasn’t yet, then was it made in a lab and by whom and who funded its invention?
All pertinent questions considering the Governments committed economic suicide over something that was meant to be so deadly yet other than people already dying it doesn’t seem to have killed many who weren’t sick and dying already.
Did you also know you can legally murder someone under current laws with vaccines?
As the Government says they are 100% safe and effective.
Also, we are planning to launch ANR News TV Network to compete against mainstream media and their lies.
First political commentary show hosted by myself goes into production next week.
We need to raise millions to fight against the billions mainstream media have.
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