Conspiracy Theories. Should we believe the ones pushed by mainstream media as truth without question?
Mainstream media love to claim anything other then their official narrative is a “ conspiracy theory “ yet is the narrative they push actually also a conspiracy theory?
One such potential conspiracy theory pushed by mainstream media is “pizzagate“ and there weak claim it has been debunked.
Just like “vaccines cause autism“ is apparently debunked, despite it never having been, other than by the same organisations that direct their narrative.
“Mainstream media love to use words like “debunked “ or “ accepted science “ all clearly psychological propaganda words designed to mislead a too trusting public.
Which means for the mainstream media,”we need to cover up this corruption being exposed by the powerful elite we work for so let’s pretend to be journalists and investigate and say it’s now “debunked “Or they often use worlds“Accepted science “Or anything that highlights an opposing narrative to their conspiracy theory they usually push without evidence they simply label as “a conspiracy theory“ to discredit something without providing any evidence.
Journalism used to be about asking questions when it wasn’t completely owned by the corrupted elite. But now it’s about targeting those that dare ask questions that journalists should be asking, but never do (because their role is now to provide cover and protection to the corruption because of the trusting public ever were to find out they have been lied to continually then there would be no faith left in the Government or media)
Ie with pizzagate, Instead of investigating it. They simply said it was “debunked “Yet there is ample evidence of large scale paedophile’ networks operating in the highest echelons of power and growing booming industry that could only have reached its size with the assistance of the powerful. They also try to make conspiracy theorists look bad by making exaggerations. I’m sure there are some that believe wild and crazy theories but we main also accept many things we thought we’re wild and created over time turn out to be true.
Most have been lied to be the media for most of their life and believe anything the media tell them. The only defence the mainstream media has is “to call something a conspiracy theory, yet they are the ones that continually push their own conspiracy theories i.e. such as it has been debunked as an example “As I said It’s meant to be journalists asking the questions that truth seekers are asking.
Instead, they are no longer journalists. They only question those who are asking the tough questions to try and cover for the corruption. The debunking hardly counts if it comes from fake news websites such as mainstream media, the very same organizations owned or influenced and protecting those behind the paedophile networks. The size of the industry of child sex trafficking is so large it’s not possible to have grown so large without powerful networks in power to protect those involved. It’s now larger then illicit drugs trade and soon larger the illegal weapon sales. As the mainstream media has been corrupted for some time it’s time people become their own journalists and start investigating theories themselves. It’s misinformed in society that corruption relies upon to keep their lies covered up.
It’s time people stop being lazy and start investigating. America had plenty of division and hate before Trump and “black lives matter “ come along which is arguable yet another scam by George Soros and co to cause division and hate. This is a standard ploy he is renowned for using often on overseas Presidents to make it appear they are in chaos to try and replace the President to install a puppet.
The same thing with the Coronavirus scam, is about, as was the Global warming Scam
The same people.
Same agenda, same media pushing it.
The same misinformed people falling for it and as a result, supporting the very opposite to what they really believe in.