Brisbane Hospital In Lockdown After Recording Positive COVID-19 Case.
Wow. One person might have some flu like symptoms. That’s right Easter is coming up so they’ll want to cause more unnecessary lockdowns and The Qld State of Emergency is due to end this month so of course Pala chook willl want to extend her bs ego control driven emergency.
All these Bs 19 fraudster politicians are going to jail one day.
Here’s what others had to say:
1. dianna_pierce (Dianna Pierce)
One day can’t come soon enough.
2. eleftheria.ekasha (Eleftheria)
This has gotten really boring. Same script over and over. Haven’t people gotten fed up already? Just change the channel!
3. jaynebryson (Jayne | Mindset |Leader)
Really hope they all go to jail, it’s criminal what they are doing.
4. ahimsa_1957
One person has a cold or most likely no symptoms and now they will lock down the state. Saw this coming. They need more uptake on the Maxine so they need more people
to be in fear so they rush to get it. 🙏🏻😢
5. dixielabrados (Dixie Labrados)
Remember! that they can only administer their poisons under emergency use authorisation hence they are desperate to keep the public health emergency status as long as
they can, it may even be forever.
6. Kymbaseyes
Yep, Italy have just announced a lockdown .. over Easter … even though it’s weeks away ! 🙄
7. nilyu_chol
I thought hospitals are meant to treat cvd patients not to put on lockdowns. Another ridiculous scenario..
8. leesammmac
And to be clear …… it is experimental gene therapy not a quackcine.
9. ladymirra
I believe when that day comes we should mark it on the calendar as a public holiday day of celebration.
10. kate_perry (Kate Perry)
One can only hope that what goes around will eventually come around to these evil politicians. WTF is wrong with them?! 🤬
11. trevor.gibson.587 (Trevor Gibson)
Yes Facebook dont like me posting anything like that im in FB JAIL FOR 19days.
12. martiannewman (Martian Newman)
And that’s how the Russian convid bs was born.
13. mar_vii1
This whole agenda is anti Christian, you’d almost bet the house on an Easter Lockdown
14. andrewgoodall1971 (andrew goodall)
People with imperial agendas and intentions end up enslaving themselves.
15. sixtynine_7
Yep, happened in Vic. Seems like these Labor scum politicians love the fear monger to gain more control..
16. dominari (Benjamin Lawson)
Heard that it’s a Dr but if there’s been no virus around how does he get it ? Strange.
17. kristinkellycoaching (Executive Coach | Health Coach)
Can the bs fraudster politicians go to jail by Easter please? 🙏🏻 🐰
18. cands137 (Sean Phillips)
My brother who lives in Perth says there are millions people refusing to take vaccine even under threat of travel ban.
19. lessthanzero_o (Person)
There is NO conclusive test for covid!!!!!! None! Do you get what they are doing????
20. saltheart_desi (Des Hughes)
2020 BREAKING NEWS, 1 in 4 Queenslanders will contract the deadly virus 2021 BREAKING NEWS We fund a case 🤡
21. maryana_b_83 (Maryana Bousattout)
Oh man it just doesn’t cease…I look forward to the day everyone that is still sleeping starts to realise just what they’ve believed was true.. Actually was all lies… They will not know themselves.
22. bxxoxoxo
This has gone to far it’s almost a year now and there still going on about this Bullshitt virus wow 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
23. kaeys_kapers (Kaey Hammond)
Jail time for them all can’t wait for the people to wake up.
24. mellowyesaya (M&P)
Exactly what i was thinking. She needs an excuse to extend!
What I want to know is this dr one of those that lined up to get the 💉💉💉 we know the government won’t provide us that. @mcintyrejamie
25. 24029.joe (Joe)
People should ignore the lockdown just get on with your business they’re trying to make out there is a “pandemic” there is nothing happening ✌️
26. danielle_r_cook (Dani Cook)
Oh FFS!! Can the stupid people just stop bloody complying to this 💩💩💩!! It’s becoming increasingly difficult to bite my tongue and not say anything to the stupid docile brain
dead idiots that believe this lie!!!
27. ronnie.orourke (Ronnie)
What a disgusting human. She will pay in a big way. Civil disobedience on a massive scale is what we need. Remember the 20th 🤙🏼
28. jasmina.j.bella (J.Bella)
Honestly Australia please wake up do not comply.
29. snigiri (Mari)
The comments on her Instagram are insane though. Everyone is terrified. I mean are people seriously such morons?