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Bitcoin 2.0 has arrived on Bitxchange


Bitcoin 2.0 has arrived on Bitxchange

By Jamie McIntyre

As Governments try to dictate and lockdown around the world their is two things that they can’t control, that are both the perfect f .. you to our sell out Governments. That’s crypto and the internet. Neither give a f.. what directives Govts try to mandate. And the sooner global citizens do the same , the sooner we take back our countries from the Globalists. Crypto is the one to defeat the Globalists as is speaking the truth via the internet utilising independent news media to bring down the criminal cabal (who own and influence mainstream fake media).


Here’s what others had to say:

agedella_ (adrian ♠️)

Somebody explain to me how the globalists aren’t controlling bitcoin or any digital currency…

nikosmaridis1 (Nick Maridis)

Need to keep our currency in physical form …just my two cents

Original Source

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