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Australia will not escape the massive death and injuries the bs 19 jabs are causing?


Australia will not escape the massive death and injuries the bs 19 jabs are causing?

By Jamie McIntyre

If it’s true 33% of Australians are already vaccinated, as per Government data (Most likely inflated as per most things Covid, it means Australia will not escape the massive death and injuries the bs 19 jabs are causing and sadly will cause. Death and misery on mass. However we still will be better off compared to most countries. (any country smarter enough to minimise the vaxx roll out will do very well.) Ironically some of the 3rd world batiks with little vaccine roll out will survive the death and misery and become safe havens as the Western Civilisation commits mass genocide.
The Globalists are within 30-60 days of a stunning victory of winning the first major battle in this silent war, the war which includes depopulating the planet and enslaving the rest of us without a single shot fired (just billions of Bs 19 shots fired instead). Humans capitulated with barely a struggle. Many sold out their futures for 2 Krispy Kreme donuts. (so maybe some de population was necessary)
. The sooner we accept our new reality and then work on what can be done to salvage what’s left,the better. Enjoy the remaining calm before the storm. It’s not going to be pretty . Efforts must now move towards helping those that survive to be able to avoid being a slave to the criminal elite, and re build a better world. Once most figure out what’s happened, it may be to late.
Continue to help as many as possible to be educated about the Bs 19 jab so less take it. By slowing the rollout we help more survive and help defeat the Globalists totalitarian Great Reset agenda. Their will be light at the end of the tunnel however it’s best to prepare now while their is still time. Lockdowns will become more common and more intense and dissidents will be targeted and the unvaccinated blamed and targeted. Focus on what we control , accept what we can’t and get creative working on solutions as many of us are busy doing. And enjoy each day as much as you can and get mentally prepared.

Here’s what others had to say:

Everyone’s entitled to their say and opinion but geez that’s extremely negative from you man. This has consumed you looking outside in and has put you in a such a dangerous mindset. We will be right as we always have been. Got to walk through shit to get to sunshine. The universe ALWAYS wins. Give the aware minds more credit and let the lost find there way. Enjoy and be free my friend.

And here comes the predicted qld lockdown, mystery cases popping up with no symptoms 😂

Though the path is written the destination is not. Don’t give in now. We create our reality yes many won’t make it but many will. We are at the crossroads. There are 2 timelines 1 of ascension and 1 is the Matrix. The key is to focus on raising your vibration. Then you become immune to the bullshit. There is always hope and we can’t give up now. ❤️

I dont believe any of it. Test numbers, covid numbers, vacc numbers. None of it. All complete bullshit

Isn’t it winter/flu season in Australia right now ? Cause the Aussie’s should be dropping before the rest of the world?

Well put Jamie. This is all we can do moving forward. Not negative at all – people just don’t want to face reality as usual.

33 is their magic number. There’s no way 33% of people have been injected.

Some people choose to ignore the warnings. I say we must keep walking now, don’t look back. Don’t take the shot and avoid as much as possible being around the vaxt. Organise for a very bleak potential future. And above all learn to pray.🙏

Darwin just gone into snap lockdown. Watch the dominos

Most sheep will be red pilled like a brick to the face knowing they’ve taken the vaccine wild times ahead. That’s for sure.

I hope you and everybody who’s saying this is wrong cause im gonna be the only one left out of my family..well maybe..i came to visit them and im getting shedded folks are elderly so i have to…whatever life that will be left on this planet probably wont be worth living

The official number of mouth breathers who’ve taken both death shots is at 4.7%. this is also probably bullshit.

My path is bright as I create my own reality.
The problem I constantly see is we buy into this false illusory reality and manifest it into existence unconsciously.
That’s the only power they have is our unconscious reactive behaviour. When we really understand our role and how we are the ones taking the actions that put their plan into place – then we can take a step back and finally move towards the reality we want to create and that has nothing to do with fighting an illusion in my eyes.
We have a lot of suppressed anger and emotions to get out to those who defied us but that anger is actually that we fell for it.
Stop falling for it stop fighting it and just focus on healing yourself by facing the demons they are triggering inside you. Then the world will become brighter for all.

Any suggestions on where to buy land for those who want to leave the cities? Would be great if like minded people can stick together

If the dumb idiots would stop taking a fake test for a fake virus this would disappear overnight. 85% tested positive have mild to no symptoms, could it be because there’s nothing wrong with them??? At least there will be less idiots in the near future when this Vax starts doing the job it’s designed to do. 🤦

If what you’re saying is true then who would be left to enslave the other %70? Think about it

Great insight and advice Jamie.

ollective human consciousness never expanded more rapidly and soon we will rid ourselves from the criminals who’ve been running the place. 😊

Original Source

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