Australia Has Fallen to New Lows
By Jamie McIntyre
Australia has fallen to new lows. If anyone thinks this is ok,or even necessary, and supports this totalitarian communistic nonsense. Then perhaps they should leave our country . No one surely, can not be awake now,and not know the fact Bs19, is nothing but a Trojan horse for the totalitarian “Great Reset”, Global communism,pushed by the elite Globalists via the World Economic Forum.
If you’re prepared to be a part of their human depopulation agenda, and if you survive the mass genocide going on,(3.2 billion globally injected with a deadly poison,disguised as a bs 19 vaxx ) and then be a human slave for the elite, then by all means do nothing.
How many more deaths and injuries must occur from the rushed to market , unproven, untested, unnecessary, ineffective and dangerous deadly global medical experiment ? They stopped the forcible 1976 swine flu vaccine pandemic after just 25 deaths and 1000 injuries – we are over 35,000 global reported deaths from the Bs 19 jab,and over 3 million adverse reactions (half are serious ) which times by 10 to 100 times according to a Harvard study to be accurate.
Just ten times is 300,000 plus deaths, and 30 million plus adverse reactions. At 43 million a day being jabbed with what is now proven to be 99.9% deadly poison you can do the numbers – $1 million bet I put up that adverse reactions will hit over 100 million in less them12 months as we haven’t seen 3-6- 12 month or 2 to 5 year reactions,yet let alone 5-10 years. You don’t have to be a mathematician to realise the best case scenario is the largest humanitarian disaster ever, most likely so much worse then humans can fathom. Such desperation to get so many jabbed before to many awaken and realise they’ve been duped, and h we’ve committed suicide by taking a jab.
(the jab is designed for stupid, lazy people who want a free beer or 2 free Krispy Kreme donuts – so do not let your family or friends embarrass you and themselves by taking one – the height of stupidity and gullibility and thh by price is death or agony and enslavery for the rest of us)
Within 30 days, the majority of the worlds population will have been poisoned, apart from the ones that got a saline jab to keep the immediate death numbers down.
Any one taking a jab, is joining a vaccine death cult – explain that to your children.
Here’s what others had to say:
Alan Nelson
Jamie McIntyre what is your advice on how to prepare for stage 5? How are you preparing?
Brenden Leach
It amazes me that after 18 months people still can’t see what’s going on. I truly hope all humanity wakes up in time and stands up together to stop this otherwise the future is going to be grim.
Robert Petrina
Exactly why we need to vote for the political parties who have the interests of the people as their priorities!!!
Brian Cannon
These people need to stand trial. Crime’s against humanity.
Percy Harley
So Patrol Officers can perform a medical procedure on people ??
Dan Ellis
Many of us have been trying to warn them for 6-12 months but the propaganda is so strong that they still proudly march towards the cliff edge.
Kim Thomas
Wow … crazy has gone to a whole other level! Sydney peeps, how unsettling for you. This is an overkill.
Michael E Martin
It’s happening in almost every Country in the World now….. Every member Country of the UN….. Must comply with all UN directions… Or face serious Consequences…
Tania Gauci
I can’t believe this !!! I thought we will all wake up we had it bad in Melbourne but I can sense Sydney will be in a worse state bloody hell wake up and say NO !!!!
Shane Hookham
Who the bloody hell voted this woman in ? Or the Queensland premier? Or Dictator Dan
If you answered I did then you really need to seek psychological evaluation