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Aust Government forcing the “Disabled” to have bs 19 vaxxines – an utter Disgrace


Aust Government forcing the “Disabled” to have bs 19 vaxxines – an utter Disgrace

By Jamie McIntyre

Our Government’s are sick and have lost all sanity.
The deliberate genocide of vulnerable disabled – who trust us to protect them are being forced with no capacity to say no into a deadly global medical experiment that has already killed tens of thousands and injured millions. This is a crime against humanity and must be stopped.


Here’s what others had to say:

This is heartbreaking 😢 There are tonnes of dodgy NDIS providers out there who will take full advantage of this making people even more vulnerable.

I’d say I’m surprised but unfortunately I’m not 😔 Those poor people.

My Mum got my brother vaxxed thinking it’s protecting him. Once the house of cards fall and people die. Many will take their revenge we just need numbers to protest a vote

That happened to a family friend in Europe. He his 30 and he has some issues but he can think for himself. Despite that he was forcibly jabbed against his will as he is considered vulnerable.

Jamie…a friend of mine in Melbourne who has schizophrenia had her first Astrazeneca vaccine five weeks ago…in less than 48;hours she had her first psychotic episode in ten years.Sha was hospitalized for three and a half weeks….now about to have her second vaccination because they told her….it’s important!!

Every day this insanity gets worse! 😢

Also keeping adult disability patients separated from carers in hospital with no one to advocate for them. When my friend told me she couldn’t get in to see her adult disabled son in hospital for days after he’d suffered seizures, I nearly cried. Where is the humanity in that? It is so low to deny people their family in sickness and to take advantage of those that can not advocate for themselves 😢

This is so sad… 😢😢

This is next level disgraceful!!

So sad they’re such easy targets like the elderly I feel so helpless 😢

Jeanette Young tabled a Bill to extend QLD State of Emergency powers until April 2022. It extends and creates new powers over the care of mental health patients and persons with cognitive and intellectual disabilities…

Have we learnt nothing from Nazi Germany. I am so horrified by it all

So much for the Nuremberg code and our constitution that’s meant to protect from this genocide.

Someone needs to stand up for these soul! How can we help?

Is there any Law firm that can represent these people ? As it’s voluntary,they don’t understand what’s happening to them.

In Slovenia is the same… first they vac*** everyone in nursing homes and now minors are next

Wow, looks like a big spring clean up – getting rid of anyone who is a burden for the government

😢😢😢😢 @mcintyrejamie2 so sad man… who is THEIR VOICE ??! What can we do?? My dad hasn’t got the jab bud unfortunately my mother has however I don’t really have a relationship with her these days as she isn’t well mentally but refuses help so … anyways . She’s had ambos out 4 times in a week as she had been having seizures from the jab 🤔🤔 she’s alive … but I don’t know what effect it will have on her later hey. Docs pushed her into it as she is a liver transplant patient…..

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