$1 million challenge to anyone, that the Covid vaccines will kill, and injure at least 10 times the number of people that ever actually die from Covid, or suffer long term or even short term adverse reactions.
$1 million challenge to anyone, that the Covid vaccines will kill, and injure at least 10 times the number of people that ever actually die from Covid, or suffer long term or even short term adverse reactions.
An easy million you would think to make, but anyone that doesn’t buy Mainstream media Covid bs, knows already the Covid vaccine doesn’t stop Covid, but it certainly will stop population growth and help reverse it rapidly.
The only positive I see is stupid people will take it and most of them voted for Biden and think he is a saint, so in their soon to be dying miserable days, they can all enjoy the New World Order and the Great Reset of communism together.
Only complete lunatics would support, encourage or not speak up about the most deadliest idea in human history so far.
This will make Hitler seem like a pussy.
To rush an unnecessary, unproven, ineffective, dangerous and deadly vaccine out to 7 billion people effectively at the same time for a type of flu. And not hold the makers who stand to make as much as $100 billion in revenue accountable for death or injury is a great idea.
What possibly could go wrong?
Risking the entire human race to stop a flu.
Actually that’s not fair
Most flu’s kill more then Covid.
(Covid is actually just re classification of all type’s of flu death, then they throw in murders, cancer, and in 2020 pretty much any deaths and those over 80 that are dying anyhow.- check the clinical definition)
And almost all politicians think that’s a good idea to spruik for the drug companies selling these drugs labelled as “vaccines” (they aren’t even vaccines by the way).
If aliens were coming to help us, let me assure you they have turned around already due to such human stupidity they’d be like these idiots can’t even help themselves.
Whatever the idiot box tells them they believe and argue to death everything else is just a conspiracy theory because those selling the conspiracy theories told them they are conspiracy theories.
If humans are this stupid to not question this lunacy then maybe they should just take the Covid vaccines. Just maybe the elite are right.
The indoctrinated maybe are better off dead, and best to stop them wasting planets precious resources and dumbing down society and breeding dumber and weaker humans
Maybe “eugenics” lovers like Gates and co are right.
Maybe wanting to defend the human race is wrong.
Just maybe Gates is right, and we need to cull humans back to 1 billion from 7 billion.
Maybe the allowing of dumb and stupid and weak humans to breed, where in nature only the strongest alpha males tend to breed, and the strongest survive, isn’t a bad idea and just maybe they are right.
This can’t go on so the elite have every right to cull 6 billion humans and as it’s to hard to decide who then, just create a vaccine for stupid people, so they can self select.
Appropriate culling of 3-6 billion humans might be good for the planet after all and more of us should stop opposing Gates and the elites plans.
Climate Change enthusiasts should support this culling plan as well so I guess if they really believe Carbon is destroying the earth – then they should sign up now for the Covid vaccine and f.. right off.
Mother Earth might be better off to.
Just maybe humans are nasty parasites
So by all means
Take the bloody Covid vaccines.
Don’t do any Independent research.
Trust Bill Gates and other Eugenics spruikers and end your life sooner with a Covid vaccine.
Go on
Take it
And leave the rest of us the f… alone.
For critical thinkers try www.anrnews.com
For dumb arses
Keep watching the daily conspiracy theories CNN, BBC, ABC Channel 7,9 and 10 and pretend people aren’t already dying from Covid vaccines.