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ANR Donors Who Received Bitcoin 2.0 as a Bonus Also Now Get 10% of “Our World Coin” for Free*


ANR Donors Who Received Bitcoin 2.0 as a Bonus Also Now Get 10% of “Our World Coin” for Free*

By Staff Reporter

The Australian National Review is more than happy to support “Take back Our World and Take Back Australia” campaigns and the “Our World Coin” new global currency being launched to fight back against the criminal Cabal and Globalists and their deadly Great Reset Totalitarian Agendas.

To learn about these amazing initiatives to provide much needed and urgent solutions to take back our countries and our world and our money then see below:

Take back Our World” is a not-for-profit initiative, for the people by the people, a force for good.

Designed to bring our outdated and corrupted political systems into the 21st Century, to restore our battered democracies and national sovereignties, to our nations. To also remove the corrupted Globalist’s control over our nations, to implement proper safeguards to ensure our politicians can never represent foreign powers again, and to ensure the “Great Reset Agenda” is defeated.

To end the rushed to market, untested, unnecessary, ineffective, dangerous and deadly Global Medical Experiment before we suffer our worst humanitarian disaster by this dangerous public health policy, forced upon our nations under the Trojan horse of Covid – a totalitarian, communistic deadly anti democratic agenda.

A people initiative, by the people for the people. A force for good and a force for peaceful revolution. To achieve the funding goals of all these new organisations and others that will be required the “Take back Our World” Initiative, will release a crypto coin and utilise blockchain technologies to ensure the honesty and transparency of the new institutions to remove “keyman” risk and to protect against corruption or hidden agendas.

Our World Coin” will have a growing ecosystem of many organisations not only being funded by it but utilising it as a global payment system free from the Central Bankers control.“Our World Coin” will be listed on selected crypto exchanges later in 2021 and will enable supporters to donate to these critical not for profit organisations to help fund the required organisations to, “Take Back our Countries” and to collectively “Take back Our World”. This enables everyone to support and benefit from building a better world, by the people for the people, a force for good.

If you donated to the Australian National Review or any independent media partner, and received Bitcoin 2.0 (which last traded at 45 cents USD – up from its $0.20 cent list price) you will automatically receive 10% of what you donated in free “ Our World Coin” when it lists January 22nd 2022 in less then 6 months time.

If you donate to helping Take back Our World, you receive major incentives with a new Global Currency outside of the hands of the corrupted central bankers, with free “Our World Coin”

Our World Coin is also offering early donors 15% pa on its coin for the first 12 months from list date, paid at end of term in Our World Coin. Our World Coin set to list on exchanges January 22nd 2022 at $0.20 cents USD.

OWC (Our World Coin) Sponsorship Current Offer: $1000 turns into $4000 OWC (Our World Coin), $2,500 turns into $15000 OWC (Our World Coin), $5000 turns into $40000 OWC (Our World Coin)

Visit for details.

Also, donors can still access limited allocation left of Bitcoin 2.0 below trading price here:

Original Source

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