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I Lost My SIL Who Is Also My Very Good Friend One Week Ago After Taking Pfizer Vaxx


I Lost My SIL Who Is Also My Very Good Friend One Week Ago After Taking Pfizer Vaxx

By Animify News24

I Lost My SIL Who Is Also My Very Good Friend One Week Ago After Taking Pfizer Vaxx. She was only 37.

3 weeks post Pfizer shot she was admitted to the hospital with full memory loss and a declined cognitive functioning. The next day in the hospital she started having trouble walking and eating. She was diagnosed with brain lymphoma.

One week from hospital admission & diagnosis she passed away due to too much pressure in her cranium. Even though the doctors gave her high dosages of steroids. She didn’t even get a chance to start treatment.

Brain lymphoma is supper rare I read. Only 14,000 people have this diagnosis a year in the USA. Typically it affects people which HIV/ AIDS and people who have autoimmune disorders. She had neither of these. Prognosis isn’t great but it is 25%survivable past 5 years with treatment. And 1-3 years for the remaining 75% who opt for treatment. She didn’t even have a chance to be in either of these categories.

Immediately After her second shot there were no other symptoms except tiredness and a little bit of brain fog. That only showed after second dose.

I’m convinced the shot did this to her with the timing. I’m so bloody angry.

Original Source

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