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Creator of App to Monitor Vaccine Shots- Dies Only Two Months After Being Vaccinated


Creator of App to Monitor Vaccine Shots- Dies Only Two Months After Being Vaccinated

By Ava Garcia

Well, in vaccine shots, there really is no picking sides. Every organism differently reacts to “the cure. ”

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“The creator of the “V-safe” mobile app used by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to monitor vaccinees died two months after receiving a COVID vaccine,” Life Site News reported.

“Successful Delaware (Ohio) developer Joel Robert Kallman died May 25 at just 54, leaving a wife and children. He had tweeted on March 26 that he had received his first dose of the CCP Virus vaccine (COVID-19).”

He even proudly bragged about getting his vaccine shot on Twitter.

“Kallman is one of the thousands of cases of “COVID” infection deaths after getting the vaccine.

Although neither the company where he worked nor his obituary establishes any link between his death and the vaccine, his death generates suspicion since it is known that most of the time, an autopsy is not even performed on the deceased, and the cause of death is reported as “COVID.” The media also repeats this information without further investigation or background information.”

And, according to the latest updated CDC report,

“Approximately 10% (995) of patients who became ill after vaccination before April 30 were hospitalized, and the agency said it had received reports of 160 fully vaccinated patients who died from the infection.

Just days later, the CDC website reported that 3,016 fully vaccinated patients with the COVID-19 vaccine had developed a “relapse” and had been hospitalized or died. These deaths totaled 535 as of June 1 compared to 160 deaths reported a month earlier.”

We are sorry for the tragic loss. Condolences to his family.

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