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Bitcoin 2.0 set to list May 28th and Bitcoin Price Predictions – Future Bitcoin Value 2022, 2030


Bitcoin 2.0 set to list May 28th and Bitcoin Price Predictions – Future Bitcoin Value 2022, 2030


An announcement was posted several hours ago highlighting that Wozinga and its partner exchange, Bitxchange (opening specifically in time for Bitcoin 2.0 listing) that to ensure more of the public can access from its first day of trading on an exchange, that it has requested the list date be rescheduled to May 26th the week after next from the April 28th planned date.

Below is the official release:

Bitcoin 2.0 listing almost ready.

Plans are on track for the Bitcoin 2.0 listing on Wozinga and on its a new partner Exchange Bitxchange (launching specifically in time for the Bitcoin 2.0)
Note. There is a team of over 100 staff operating very long hours to get the listing on the exchange to have the listing be open to as many of the public as possible from day one.

Due to the unprecedented demand, the exchange’s listing Bitcoin 2.0 team requires more time for the listing to go live otherwise many won’t be able to purchase or trade from day one until their accounts are open and verified.

The exchanges have asked the listing date be pushed back to the week after next, being May 28th to enable as many trading accounts be opened and completed. Wallets for Bitcoin 2.0

These are being loaded as we speak and verified before being issued.

It is expected the large majority will be sent out this week.

Once again due to above expected demand the workload has caused it to take longer as more team members are added.

Please be patient as more wallets are loaded and issued.

If you are a pre seed purchaser or donor to independent media partners (who received Bitcoin 2.0 as a bonus for making donations to support Independent media before the listing) you can’t sell down your holdings for 60 days. And then at a max of 8.33% per month for 12 months.

This is done to reduce potential dumping of coins, and is for everyone’s benefit.

There will be ample time to receive your wallet loaded so once again please be patient, to reduce staff time on customer service questions (which almost 100% of wallets are expected to be issued by end of the week).

Then we will be issuing free Bitcoin 2.0 to any one opening an account with Bitxchange (a link to open will be issued soon).

Bitxchange and Wozinga have exclusive rights for the initial 60 days from listing to purchase and trade Bitcoin 2.0.

You then can acquire more Bitcoin 2.0 via the exchange.

Note- anyone buying Bitcoin 2.0,via the exchanges, once listed can sell them at anytime without restrictions.

Any questions feel free to email or contact your independent media partner if you are a donor or preferably follow Bitcoin 2.0 on telegram.

Otherwise, please be patient, as the team works hard to get wallets loaded, accounts opened and the listing online for trading to begin.

It’s been a 4.5 year journey to reach the point where this project officially lists so we are almost there.

However, it’s important the date of listing the maximum people can access from day one.

We thank our supporters, donors and team, advisors and developers for all the hard work to date.

Also join our Bitcoin 2.0 Telegram thread.
Join Now:


Bitcoin Price Predictions (2021 Updated)

Bitcoin was created in early 2009. Since then, we’ve seen its price increase from Bitcoins to the cent (circa March 2010), all the way up to $41,000+ per Bitcoin. One of the stories that illustrate this growth best is that of two pizzas, which were bought for 10,000 Bitcoins, on May 22, 2010, by a Florida developer by the name of Laszlo Hanyecz. Those 10,000 Bitcoins (at $33,000 per bitcoin) would be worth over $330 million today, pitted against the $40 or so they were worth then.

Is there any limit to this growth, and if so, where is it? While nobody knows for sure, there are plenty of anti-Bitcoiners who see the market as a bubble, ready to pop and have Bitcoin’s price fizzle back to mere cents, and plenty of pro-Bitcoiners, or Bitcoin evangelists, who see little hindrance in Bitcoin growing up to 30 times its current price. Here’s what those evangelists think Bitcoin will go on to be worth:


Shervin Pishevar – $100,000 (by 2022)
Shervin Pishevar is a venture capitalist and angel investor who co-founded Hyperloop One and Sherpa Capital. He has also made investments in several companies including big names such as AirBnb and Uber.

Pishevar has called for Bitcoin to reach $100,000 by the end of 2021 via Twitter. The prediction came not long after a December 2020 meeting with MicroStrategy CEO Michael Saylor, whose company invested more than $1 billion in Bitcoin during 2020.

Given his meeting with Saylor and his previous predictions of a decline in the US economy, it’s no surprise that Pishevar has become bullish on Bitcoin


Thomas Fitzpatrick – $318,000 (by 2022)
Citibank’s Thomas Fitzpatrick is the global head of their market insights product, CitiFX Technicals. He made headlines for his Bitcoin prediction of $318,000 by 2022, which surfaced after his report was leaked onto the internet in late 2020.

His analysis drew similarities between the gold market of the 1970s and Bitcoin’s price action, in particular gold’s $20 to $35 range before its surge in 1971. He also cited the acceleration in money-printing by central banks since the emergence of COVID-19, which may fuel the Bitcoin run.


Winklevoss Twins – $500,000 (by 2030)
Winklevoss twins – the famous Bitcoin billionaires have said Bitcoin has the potential to reach a price of $500,000 by 2030, which would put its market cap on par with that of gold (around $9 trillion).

Tyler Winklevoss said, “Our thesis is that bitcoin is gold 2.0, that it will disrupt gold, and if it does that, it has to have a market cap of 9 trillion, so we think it could price one day at $US500,000 of bitcoin.”

The prediction has been explained in full detail in a blog post by Tyler on their website.


Anthony Pompliano – $250,000 (by 2022)
Anthony Pompliano is a well-known Bitcoin personality. He’s a founder and partner at Morgan Creek Digital, a crypto-friendly asset management firm for institutional investors. He has previously claimed that he holds more than 50% of his net worth in Bitcoin, showing his belief in the cryptocurrency.

Pompliano previously predicted that Bitcoin will hit $100,000 by the end of December 2021. Since then, he has revised the figure to an upper limit of $250,000 – more than double his original prediction.

Why the updated number? Pompalino believes the available supply of Bitcoin is much less than is perceived by most, which lies in stark contrast to the amount of demand that is beginning to precipitate – in particular by institutions.

Along with many others, Pomp also talks about the US Federal Reserve pursuing aggressive quantitative easing and keeping interest rates low, leading to flight to safe-haven assets.


Chamath Palihapitiya – $1,000,000 (by 2037)
Chamath Palihapitiya is the Founder of Social Capital and Co-Owner of the Golden State Warriors. His Bitcoin journey started with an investment back in 2012, and by 2013 he had included Bitcoin in his hedge fund, general fund, private account. At one point, he owned 5% of all Bitcoin in circulation.

Palihapitiya has predicted Bitcoin price will reach $100,000 in the next 3-4 years, adding that it will reach a price of $1 million by 2037. He said, “This thing has the potential to be comparable to the value of gold…This is a fantastic hedge and store of value against autocratic regimes and banking infrastructure that we know is corrosive to how the world needs to work properly”


Wences Casares – $1,000,000 (by 2027)
Wences Casares is the Founder and CEO of Xapo, a Bitcoin wallet startup, and a board member at PayPal, among various other roles. Casares first found interest in Bitcoin due to high financial volatility in his home country Argentina’s native currency, the Peso. The tech giant bought his first Bitcoins in 2011.

Casares believes that Bitcoin will hit $1 million sometime before 2027, he said at the Consensus 2017 conference in New York. Even better, he believes that Bitcoin could hit one million dollars in as few as 5 years, saying on May 23, 2017, that the milestone will be reached “in 5-10 years”.


John Pfeffer – $700,000 (no date)
John Pfeffer is a partner at London-based family office Pfeffer Capital. He’s set a bold price target for Bitcoin of $700,000—about 175 times the current Bitcoin price of nearly $4,000. Pfeffer said that Bitcoin is the world’s first viable replacement for gold.

The math for his target works like this: firstly, he assumes that Bitcoin can replace all of the gold currently held by private investors — in other words, the gold bars that people keep in safe-deposit boxes or bury in their backyard (simply as a way to park their money in something more dependable than paper). He says that “Bitcoin is vastly easier to store and secure.”

Next up, the current value of all privately held gold bullion is about $1.6 trillion. Assuming there will be 18 million Bitcoins in circulation by the time the cryptocurrency fully replaces gold bullion, the implied value of a Bitcoin would then be $90,000. This is Pfeffer’s most conservative scenario, which he gives 8% odds of coming to fruition.


Jeremy Liew – $500,000 (by 2030)
Jeremy Liew is a partner at Lightspeed Venture Partners, famed as the first investor in the social media app Snapchat. Liew’s other investments include the multimedia company Beme, the listing service VarageSale, and the hardware wallet LedgerX. His net worth is estimated at north of $2 billion.

In an exchange with Business Insider in May 2017, Liew said that the Bitcoin price can “realistically” reach $500,000 by 2030. Liew’s prediction was backed by Peter Smith, the CEO, and co-founder of Blockchain — the world’s most popular Bitcoin wallet.


Mark Yusko – $400,000 (no date)
Mark Yusko is the billionaire investor and Founder of Morgan Creek Capital. His prediction for Bitcoin is that it’ll be worth over $400,000 in the long term, a statement that made headlines because for its grandiose scale.

“It’s just math. It is gold equivalent…there are about 20 million Bitcoin available today. Gold today is about $8 trillion. That gives you $400,000. And that doesn’t include use cases that relate to currency,” Yusko said.

He also pointed out that the asset is striking fear into the hearts of bankers, precisely because Bitcoin eliminates the need for banks. When transactions are verified on a Blockchain, banks become obsolete.


Roger Ver – $250,000 (no date)
Roger Ver is an early investor in Bitcoin and related blockchain startups. Born in the US and now with citizenship in Saint Kitts and Nevis, Ver started his business career with a computer parts business, By early 2011, Ver had begun investing in Bitcoin, now with a portfolio including startups like Bitinstant, Ripple, Blockchain, Bitpay, and Kraken.

In an interview with Jeff Berwick, for The Dollar Vigilante blog, Roger Ver said in October 2015 that Bitcoin “could very easily be worth $2,500, or $25,000 per Bitcoin, or even $250,000 per Bitcoin”. Ver’s estimate is based on the principles of supply and demand, which he believes creates great potential for Bitcoin as a store of value.


Kay Van-Petersen – $100,000 (by 2027)
Kay Van-Petersen is an analyst at Saxo Bank, a Danish investment bank which specializes in online trading and investment. Based out of Singapore with an MSc in Applied Economics & Finance from Copenhagen Business School, Van-Petersen is an active Twitter user with no fear of speculating on tough topics like the prices of cryptocurrencies.

Van-Petersen believes that Bitcoin will rise to $100,000 per unit by 2027, according to a feature by CNBC news published in May 2017. As the man who successfully predicted Bitcoin’s flow up to $2,000 by 2017, Kay Van-Petersen’s most recent estimate, perhaps a little optimistic, suggests that Bitcoin would then account for 10% of the volume in the foreign exchange market.


Tai Lopez – $60,000 (mid-term)
Tai Lopez is a renowned investor and internet marketing expert, famed for a viral video he had filmed in his garage. He believes that if a small portion (1%) of the assets of millionaires globally is invested into Bitcoin in the upcoming months, the price of Bitcoin could justifiably grow to around $60,000.

Given that the adoption of Bitcoin as a store of value and a medium of exchange within the global finance market is increasing exponentially, $60,000 remains a viable mid-term price target even for conservative investors. Only time will tell when/if this prediction is reached, though.


Andy Edstrom – $8 trillion market cap (2030)
Andy Edstrom is a wealth manager for a California-based investment advisory firm called WESCAP. He’s an investor himself, and an avid Twitter user. More importantly, he’s a definite fan of Bitcoin, constantly tweeting about the topic, and even having written a book by the title of “Why Buy Bitcoin”.

In February 2020, Edstrom made a prediction that Bitcoin would reach an $8 trillion market cap by 2030. Although he didn’t mention it, this is considered to be the approximate size of the gold market. In any case, this would put the price of a single coin at around $400,000. Interestingly, Edstrom believes Bitcoin could become the world’s default currency.


Mike Novogratz – $7.5 trillion market cap (2029)
Mike Novogratz is a former hedge fund manager who’s been investing in Bitcoin and blockchain technology for a long time. He’s made several price predictions in the past — which have been both correct and incorrect.

In March 2019, Novogratz indirectly made yet another prediction, saying Bitcoin would “easily” surpass gold’s then market cap of $7.5 trillion within 10 years. This puts his prediction very close to Edstrom’s, both in terms of timeline and magnitude.


Past Bitcoin Price Predictions (2020 Update)

We’ve just started 2020, so a number of Bitcoin price predictions have already seen their completion dates, but just how accurate were these evangelists? Here are past price predictions for Bitcoin.


Correct: Tim Draper – $10,000 (by 2018)
Tim Draper, a billionaire venture capitalist, had envisioned Bitcoin to hit $10,000 USD by 2018. Draper scored big as an early backer of Skype and Baidu. He is also an early supporter of Bitcoin and its underlying technology blockchain.

In July 2014, Draper purchased nearly 30,000 bitcoins (worth around $19 million at the time) which had been seized by the US Marshals service from the Silk Road (a marketplace website).


Correct: Mike Novogratz – $10,000 (by April 2018)
Mike Novogratz is the Bitcoin investor whose standing prediction for a $7.5 trillion market cap was covered above. Previously, Mike had correctly predicted Bitcoin’s price could rise up to $10,000 by April 2018.

By that time, Novogratz had already invested $150 million in the cryptocurrency space, having collected more funds from outside sources, mainly wealthy individuals/families and fellow hedge fund managers.


Correct: Ronnie Moas – $50,000 (by 2027)
Ronnie Moas is the founder and director of research at Standpoint Research, an equity research firm accounting for both traditional investments and new-time ones. Moas is an avid Twitter user and Wall Street analyst who has been featured on dozens of TV and radio interviews and holds an MBA in finance.

Moas projects that Bitcoin will reach a price of $50,000 by 2027. He also believes that the market cap of all cryptocurrencies will burst up to a whopping $2 trillion (from the current $150 billion) within the next 10 years. Moas has also compared the wealth proposition of cryptocurrencies to that of the dot-com boom.


Incorrect: Tom Lee – $91,000 (by 2020)
Tom Lee is Co-Founder of the market strategy firm Fundstrat Global Advisors, and a well-known bitcoin bull. Lee initially set a Bitcoin price target for $11,500 for mid-2018, and then increased it to $20,000 as the cryptocurrency’s intrinsic value increased. These targets were instead achieved by the end of 2017.

He recently upped his prediction again, stating that Bitcoin’s price will reach $91,000 by March 2020, on the basis of a chart that shows Bitcoin’s (BTC) performances after past market dips. Lee and Fundstrat used an average of the percentage gained in price after each dip to arrive at the 2020 figure.


Incorrect: John McAfee – $500,000 (by 2020)
John McAfee is the Founder of McAfee Associates, which launched the first commercial antivirus software back in the late 1980s. He got involved with Bitcoin because according to him it will eventually become “the [monetary] standard for the world.”

McAfee made waves in the cryptocurrency world by claiming that each Bitcoin would be worth half a million dollars by 2020. He went on to predict that Bitcoin could even reach as much as $2.6 million in the same time frame.


Incorrect: Ran Neuner – $50,000 (by 2019)
Ran Neuner, the host of CNBC’s show Cryptotrader and the 28th mos
t influential Blockchain insider according to Richtopia, had claimed that Bitcoin will end 2018 at the price point of $50,000.

Interestingly, The CNBC channel had been increasingly involved in cryptocurrency reporting over the past few months. On Jan. 8, the cable network aired a step-by-step tutorial on how to buy Ripple using the Poloniex exchange as a platform for the purchase.


Incorrect: Masterluc – $40,000 to $110,000 (by 2019)
Masterluc is an anonymous Bitcoin trader, known for his impressive predictions in the price of Bitcoin. Most notable was his prediction of the end of the 2013 Bitcoin bubble, which was then followed by a bearish market for multiple years.

Masterluc had expected Bitcoin to reach a price of between 40,000 and 110,000 US dollars by the end of the 2017 bull run, sharing his thoughts publicly on the TradingView platform. In his May 26th, 2017 post, the legendary trader said he expects the price to be reached sometime before 2019.


Incorrect: Mike Novogratz – $40,000 (by 2019)
After correctly predicting the $10,000 milestone, hedge fund manager Michael Novogratz threw out another prediction: that Bitcoin price could go four times by the end of 2018 and cross $40,000. According to him, high demand from Asia and a limited supply of the cryptocurrency had lead to cryptocurrency’s exuberant growth.


Incorrect: Thomas Glucksmann – $50,000 (by 2019)
Thomas Glucksmann, head of APAC business at Gatecoin, had seen regulation, the introduction of institutional capital, and technological advances like the Lightning Network as the main factors in rising cryptocurrency prices.

“There is no reason why we couldn’t see Bitcoin pushing $50,000 by December” he said. Glucksmann also wrote that a possible element in market growth going forward could be the release of a cryptocurrency-based ETF, similar to when BTC’s price shot up to $16,800 in Dec. 2017 after the CBOE’s futures launch.


Incorrect: Trace Mayer – $27,395 (by Feb 2018)
Trace Mayer, who according to his website, is an entrepreneur, investor, journalist, monetary scientist and ardent defender, had predicted the Bitcoin price to hit $27,000 by February 2018. Mayer has been involved with Bitcoin since its early days, initially investing in the cryptocurrency when it was worth $0.25. The host of The Bitcoin Knowledge Podcast had based his prediction on a 200-day moving average. He expected the 200-day moving average to grow rapidly up until $5,767. At which point, he believed that each Bitcoin would be worth over $27,000, increasing its relative price by 4.75 times.

Original Source

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